Confusion, exasperation and dating apps – my month as a gay reporter at the Qatar World Cup

The morning after Germany’s dramatic exit from the World Cup in the group stage, I took a stroll around the back streets of Doha.

For the first time in my life, I was confronted, personally, with a sign telling me I wasn’t welcome. Across the Qatari capital, we often see flags, usually for the 32 countries competing in the World Cup. This time, beside Qatar’s national flag and a banner saying, “Welcome”, I saw a piece of paper: a rainbow flag with a no-entry symbol on it. Beneath it, in red letters, was written: “Not allowed in Qatar”.

Signs in Qatar: LGBT behavior is not allowed (Photo: Adam Crafton)

In the UK I’ve read about signs like this, whether they were against blacks, Irish or immigrants in earlier years. I’m not making a direct comparison; I’m not stuck in a hostile environment. For me, this is just a moment in time. For others, it could be a lifetime.

I was a gay reporter in Qatar for four weeks. I travel with great privilege. I come from the UK, a country whose government has close economic and security ties with Qatar. I work for a major sports media publication, The Athletic, which is owned by one of the most well-known media companies in the world, The New York Times. I travel with a burner phone and a burner laptop. I have access to a 24/7 security team, which I can contact at any time.

The Athletics Team in Qatar numbered over 20 people throughout the tournament, all supportive and caring. I know that I cannot be put under pressure, even if I criticize the Qatari regime and its approach to the issue of migrant workers or LGBT+. Luckily for me too, The Athletic’s football editor is a gay man who feels this issue should be explored. And, in this situation at least, being gay confers a blessing that other minority groups don’t: it can be hidden. Because of that, I left feeling empowered.

But as I said goodbye to England, I could feel a hint of anxiety in the voices of friends and relatives. My parents might have been too polite to say, “Adam, put your pants on,” but there was a look of worry and, “You’ll be careful out there, won’t you?”

I don’t describe myself as a victim or a brave pioneer, or anything in between. But because of the composition of sports journalism desks across the UK, I am not aware of any other openly LGBT+ British sports writer in Qatar.

In this story, I am not neutral and will not pretend. I believe that people should not be discriminated against because of how they were born. I believe in rights and freedoms. I believe that the most marginalized minorities, wherever they are, must be freed. But I’m also a reporter and that means speaking and listening to as many points of view as possible and sharing those experiences. In Qatar, that means speaking to those who find me disgusting. That meant meeting Qatari LGBT+ people, some of whom challenged me. That means detailing and understanding how and why LGBT+ people — and those bloody armbands — became one of the tournament’s themes.

So here’s the account of last month’s gay man, reporting on the World Cup in Qatar.

Arriving in Doha, I have been in contact with queer people living in Qatar via social media. But I’m curious to learn more about “scenes”. In London, the easiest way to do this is to go on ‘Yellow Facebook’ (Grindr) and speak freely. In Qatar, on my burner phone, I haven’t logged into my Grindr account, and that’s not possible over cellular data or wi-fi. (In Saudi Arabia, it was removed from the app store.)

I assess alternatives. Tinder is operating as usual, and so is Hinge. For the uninitiated, this is a dating app available to people of any sexual orientation — you choose your preferences after signing up. Grindr, however, is more of a hook-up app and often the most direct window into the local gay community. Instead, I downloaded Scruff (an international dating app for men looking for men), which for some reason wasn’t blocked.

Before long, a bunch of shirtless torsos appeared and I waited to see what happened. Very quickly, Doha Scruff looked akin to London Grindr, with some guys saying “Hello, how are you?”, others sending unsolicited nudes, and some demanding to know if I’d rather fuck or fuck.

On Tinder, it’s more polite, but there are hundreds of men to weed out over the course of a month, some of whom are Qataris in thobes. There are gay or bisexual men from all over the Gulf region. One account, which I suspect of committing a crime, has a picture of the Emir of Qatar as his profile picture.

There are tourists there, visiting Doha for the World Cup – hola y felicitaciones, if you read, Alejandro from Argentina – and lots of foreigners working in Qatar, although most are white and work in the middle class rather than low-paid migrant workers from the Global South, which might be considered easier to throw away if caught in the wrong.

Gianni Infantino speaks controversially ahead of the tournament (Photo: Christopher Lee/Getty Images)

Homosexual behavior is illegal in Qatar, as is sex outside of marriage, regardless of sexual orientation, so some of what I have described may come as a surprise. Local Muslims, in particular, seem to be taking a big risk, even just making a proposition. Given the risk of imprisonment, or worse, is having sex with a stranger really worth it?

“I went into hook-ups because I craved friends and connection, even if those were fleeting,” said one gay man, whose identity is being withheld to protect his identity. “But then I went alone. And loneliness grows. So I did it again, for a quick fix, to feel like I was alive, before heading back to my lonely place.

There are horror stories, such as the case The i newspaper reported before the World Cup of a Filipino man who was lured into a hotel room on an app, only to be greeted by six police officers who raped him.

The conversations I had weren’t all that terrible. Some gay men say they live a secret life with a partner. They illustrate a don’t-see-don’t-tell culture, in which there is safety as long as one’s sexuality is not made public.

Other experiences are less bearable. Several gay men described their fear of police traps, as well as cases of brutal sexual harassment. The hostility is worse for those perceived as feminine, or trans, underscoring that so much about homophobia is fueled by warped perceptions of masculinity.

Before the tournament, many Western journalists were obsessed with whether men could hold hands in Doha. On the pitch, however, the concerns seem ridiculous, as it is not uncommon to see South Asian men, in particular, holding hands in public while walking on the streets. It is in no way considered an expression or indication of sexual orientation but friendship. Therefore, there is no interest for law enforcement agencies. This highlights how important it is to consider social dynamics not only through a Western view but that does not mean that questions of law, rights and societal humiliation become any less relevant.

When arranging to meet people, doubts often arise. I’ve read enough and heard enough about traps, so any gatherings are in a public place, which may limit how candid about their lives they can be. Despite this, some people say they feel more comfortable speaking in public settings during the World Cup, where it feels like security services’ attention is elsewhere to managing the demands of the tournament.

I know about lesbian women traveling to tournaments but it’s not easy for me to make contact with local lesbians because they wouldn’t get along with a man. Additionally, guardianship rules in Qatar may mean women need permission to travel or marry. That makes lesbian women almost invisible in Qatari society.

Some gay men are resigned to unfulfilled personal lives, forced to marry women to fit into society, whether in Qatar or neighboring states. They explained that family and religion served the state, imposing a veil of shame on homosexuality. One said he was ready to put his own happiness aside because he was afraid his father would be stigmatized by his family if he was discovered to have a gay son.

This person shares so many of the same interests as me. Our conversations could be anywhere in the world, talking about the World Cup, the celebrities we like, the music we listen to. However, because of where he was born, his life was much more difficult than mine, much more unfair. He has enjoyed gay sexual encounters but never in his own country, fearing retribution. He says he doesn’t have any gay friends he can share his feelings with. He was alone in his own head, wandering in a circle of diminishing self-esteem.

Some turn to psychological support. Affirmative therapy is rare. Instead, the queer bears the institutionalized loss. I was shown, for example, cases of psychologists speaking out against homosexuality on social media. If that’s what they’re saying on those accounts, what are they saying to LGBT+ people behind closed doors? It was shocking to speak with straight Qatari people and hear, in their own words, how they saw the debate.

This is what Abdulrahman, a Qatari man I spoke to outside the stadium before the World Cup match, said: “LGBT – I know they are everywhere, but you can’t just say, ‘Go and give them freedom’. This is my religion. I can’t have it. You can’t go to Sikhs and force them to eat meat because it’s against their religion. I know LGBT is a big thing right now around the world but for me as a Muslim I don’t mind people doing it as long as it doesn’t affect me or my kids. That’s the problem.

How did he know his son would not be affected? “He will know for himself what is right and what is wrong. You can’t go and brag about it on the outside. But if he thinks that (he is gay), then I will talk to him and educate him about it.”

The endorsement he suggests doesn’t sound too positive. He then said: “By the way, I studied sexuality…”

Sorry? “At Brighton University in England.”

Brighton is often described as Britain’s gay capital, which makes the conversation unintentionally funny – to me.

We found commonalities: “It’s not something you can control,” he says. “It is something inside you. But we still have a long way to go. He’s only five years old.”

During the World Cup, a culture war broke out in Qatar. In October, seven European federations—England, Wales, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland—announced that they would be wearing the OneLove armband at the tournament. The armband design is not a rainbow design used to promote the LGBT+ movement.

Instead, it’s a colorful pattern that stops short of declaring itself as a statement relating specifically to LGBT+ people or gay rights in Qatar. The 959 word statement on the English FA website describes the armband as a campaign to “stop discrimination” but makes no mention of the words “gay” or “LGBT” in relation to the armband.

FA chief executive Mark Bullingham described the captain’s armband “as a real demonstration of support for inclusion in football – something we believe in and support consistently”. Again, he did not specify the specific forms of inclusion being targeted. It was also made clear that the captain’s armband will be worn for international matches throughout the season, not just in Qatar.

Therefore, if this is a protest, it is a polite enough protest. The English FA made no reference to laws in Qatar criminalizing same-sex relations. It felt like a move designed to do enough to appease those returning home who expected the FA to speak up, while also not doing too much to offend their Qatari hosts.

But as the tournament draws near, tensions build. The European Federations notified FIFA of their intention to wear the armbands at the tournament but received no response, despite a public announcement. Then, two weeks before the tournament, FIFA president Gianni Infantino and general secretary Fatma Samoura wrote to the 32 competing federations and asked them to “focus on football”. They added that football should not be “dragged into any existing ideological or political struggles”.

Days later, Qatar’s World Cup ambassador and former international footballer Khalid Salman told a German broadcaster that being gay is “haram”, which means it is forbidden in Arabic.

He said: “I am not a devout Muslim, but why is it haram? Because it is a corruption of the mind.”

Then, on the weekend the World Cup started, we had Infantino’s press conference, which instead became a 57-minute speech in which he railed against Western criticism and surveillance of Qatar, where he has lived in recent years.

“Today I feel Qatari,” he said. “Today I feel Arabic. Today I feel African. Today I feel gay. Today I feel disabled. Today I feel (like) a migrant worker.”

He added: “Of course, I’m not Qatari, I’m not Arab, I’m not African, I’m not gay, I’m not disabled. But I feel that way because I know what it means to be discriminated against, to be bullied, as a foreigner in a foreign country. As a kid, I was bullied – because I have red hair and freckles, plus I’m Italian, so imagine.

Harry Kane wearing the OneLove armband before the World Cup (Photo: Getty Images)

It’s my first full day in Doha and when I tweet criticism of Infantino’s speech, people respond with pictures of flashing rainbow flags, warnings to “shut up y’all gay peace (sic) of shit”, and I get the message instantly tells me to rot in hell.

The next 48 hours will set the tone for the rest of the tournament. FIFA Secretary General Samoura is a 60 year old Senegalese woman who previously worked in senior positions at the United Nations. During a meeting with European federations at the Fairmont Hotel, he “ripped” OneLove nations over their desire to wear the captain’s armband, according to the source, who wished to remain anonymous during a private conversation. FIFA sources denied that it was “a strong conversation on both sides”.

This all got a little stranger when FIFA launched its own rival armband campaign, with common slogans like “Save The Planet”, “Share the Meal” and “No Discrimination”.

Therefore, FIFA thought that the European federations would contest its fixture regulations, which stated: “For FIFA final competitions, the captain of each team must wear the captain’s armband provided by FIFA.”

The European Federation tried to argue back but were told the match officials could remove the armband and there could be a sporting sanction, such as a yellow card. Before England play Iran on the first Monday, a delegation, including FIFA head of media relations Bryan Swanson, visited England headquarters. Dutch federation executive Gijs de Jong told The New York Times that the FIFA delegation had even implied that a one-match ban could be applied. Swanson’s presence, alongside FIFA’s competition director Manolo Zubiria, was striking – just 48 hours earlier, he had inserted himself into Infantino’s press conference.

Swanson said: “I sit here, in a privileged position on the global stage, as a gay man in Qatar. We have received guarantees that everyone is welcome, and I am sure that everyone will be welcome at this World Cup. Just because Gianni Infantino isn’t gay doesn’t mean he doesn’t care.”

FIFA would not comment formally but sources, who would not speak in a note to protect their work, said the OneLove opposition had “never been anti-gay” but rather about reminding people of the rules they previously listed. This was somewhat marred by the fact that Samoura made it clear in his rebuke that it would be seen as an attack on Qatar.

So, the federation dropped the OneLove armband before they even kicked the ball.

That line was a defining moment in the tournament. Many federations left quietly. England manager Gareth Southgate told a news conference his players were not involved in discussions to give up the captain’s armband, which was a marked difference from the approach taken when the English FA discussed how to challenge racism.

Some of the more cynical commentators in the far-right British press suggested the decision to discard the captain’s armband undermined their attitudes toward racism or child poverty. That, to me, is a destructive viewpoint, aimed at dividing causes that should be united.

But it does reveal a reality that many people know but say very few: we often feel most passionate about the causes that directly affect ourselves or the people we perceive as most like ourselves. During this tournament, no player or coach or national federation executive was openly gay and willing to talk about his experiences. Elite men’s football and the state of Qatar are united in that trait: gay men are often invisible and their experiences are not heard.

Nothing present could humanize the culture war. At the very least, when we talk to migrant workers, we can stick their faces, names or families. The discussion gets stronger for that.

Neither football player nor coach communicates the purpose of the armband they wish to wear, or the importance of rights and freedoms, or seeks to convey in any way what life is like for a Qatari queer or gay supporter elsewhere. So all this life is reduced to a series about rainbows, which are not even rainbows.

For all these reasons, several local Qatari citizens, who wish to remain anonymous to protect their freedom, told me that the European federation seemed more interested in giving the impression of supporting them than doing anything meaningful. They said they were concerned the initiative had caused more harm than good.

Some regional queers, though not all, are angry with Western media for covering the issue and with journalists supporting the captain’s armband. Someone described it as “rainbow imperialism” – the West is once again imposing its culture on the Middle East. He said he did not want to be included in the rainbow, or the pride movement, and that he found that the very white, very chiselled front pages of gay magazines in the West did not represent him any more than he felt represented by the Qataris who disenfranchised him. He found it difficult to let go of any part of his identity: he was a Muslim man, a Qatari man, an Arab man, a strange man. He was proud of the first Arab World Cup and raged against what he viewed negatively by the western media regarding Qatar’s suitability to host the World Cup.

He also feels that a life like his is being used as a tool to undermine Qatar by people who are more concerned with bringing down the Muslim nation than actually dealing with queers in the Middle East. He fears that actions like the rainbow flag will strengthen the opposition regionally, and that people like him will be the ones to take reactions long after people like me arrive back in London.

Tensions were running high when the German team responded to the captain’s armband dispute – they also threw it away – by posing with their hand over their mouth before their first group game against Japan. German politician Nancy Faeser wearing an armband in the stands, sat beside Infantino.

This prompted a response from local Qataris and others attending the tournament from the Arab world. A new framing is emerging: locals argue that the armbands represent Islamophobia and the imposition of “Western values” in the Middle East. Those of us who use social media to constantly expound on aspects of what we perceive as law or homophobic rhetoric are labeled as racists or orientalists, as well as receiving increasing shots of abuse.

Offline, stiff attitude on the pitch. Supporters were notified prior to this tournament that every area under FIFA jurisdiction – including fan zones and stadiums – would allow the rainbow flag or its paraphernalia.

German players pose with their hands over their mouths (Photo: Alexander Hassenstein/Getty Images)

In December 2020, then FIFA head of social responsibility and education Joyce Cook said: “We will see progressive changes in all of those aspects, and rainbow flags, shirts will all be welcome in stadiums, that’s for sure. They understand very well that that is our attitude.”

Qatar’s own World Cup chief executive Nasser Al-Khater said: “When it comes to rainbow flags in stadiums, FIFA have their own guidelines, they have their own rules and regulations. Whatever it is, we will respect them.”

One of the biggest scams of this World Cup is that those who wish to represent LGBT+ people in this tournament go against FIFA and organizers Qatar. In their own words, outlined above, they said it would be fine, even though the Supreme Committee often included warnings that their culture must be respected.

I have personally met with the secretary general of the Supreme Committee Hassan Al-Thawadi several times before the tournament. On one occasion, he told me he had read a previous report by The Athletic about the plight of LGBT+ people in Saudi Arabia and said he found it moving. I find him attractive, intelligent and personally sensitive. I believed him when he said to my face that gay visitors would be made to feel safe and welcome.

That confidence waned leading up to the tournament and dissipated by the time I flew to Doha. Two days before the tournament, Qatar changed its mind about the sale of alcohol in stadiums and fan zones (other than in hospitality areas). I’m not overly bothered by Budweiser’s unavailability, but Qatar’s willingness to tear up a major commercial agreement between FIFA and Budweiser shows that the country is ready to move goalposts on issues deemed sensitive to their interpretation of Islam.

Before long, it was our turn to be betrayed. At the match, the rainbow caps were stripped from the Welsh supporters. An American journalist, Grant Wahl, was stopped and briefly detained by security for wearing a rainbow jersey while attending a game. One England fan, Anthony Johnson, said he was stripped naked by security when he arrived wearing a rainbow outfit for the game between Netherlands and Qatar. He told The i newspaper: “They said I had some metal on me and escorted me to a private area where they asked me to take off my shorts, then my shoes, then took my pants down, then my underwear, then stripped naked. fully. naked.”

I’m fine, but it was an unnecessary ordeal. I’m in the media center, still in my shirt. On hold for almost half an hour. Come on gays 🌈

— Subscribe to (@GrantWahl) November 21, 2022

Alex Baker, a gay British football fan, tried to bring the flag to a match between England and Iran which was gray, not the colors of the rainbow. It read: “No Pride Without All”. He told The Times of London: “When a female security guard asked to check my bag before the Iran game, she ignored the shirt but immediately went to the flag. He looked at it once and said, ‘That doesn’t go in’. I asked why but he didn’t answer. He just pointed at the trash can.”

In theory, the stadium would come under FIFA’s jurisdiction, but its communications office blamed local security forces, while a Qatari communications worker said whatever happened at the stadium should be left to FIFA. It’s so annoying.

As a football lover, a lot of things happened which I really enjoyed. Saudi Arabia’s win against Argentina was another big day of competition, where two fan bases that travel in large numbers create an authentic atmosphere in the stadium. Morocco became one of the great storylines in World Cup history, and the more I spoke to their supporters, the more fascinated and moved I felt by their narrative. This is the best first Arab World Cup; Moroccan mothers dance on the pitch, fans have fun and countries across the Middle East and Africa, as well as countries like India, access the world’s greatest talent at close range. More importantly, the positive representation of Muslim men is long overdue in the global media and this World Cup does a lot for that.

But it’s still all about the OneLove armband. Supreme Committee chairman Al-Thawadi described it on talkSPORT radio as “a very divisive message”.

When I went to see Qatar take on Senegal in their second match of the tournament, a new armband appeared: the Palestinian flag. Support for the Palestinian cause is maintained throughout the tournament, usually by flags.

“We don’t agree on that (OneLove) here,” one supporter wearing the captain’s armband told The Athletic. “Weird. So if you come talking about your rights, the things you ask for, then we also go for the same. If people come to Qatar or an Arab country, then you have to respect everyone.

“The idea of ​​homosexuality, I don’t like it. When I go to England, whatever happens in front of me is none of my business because it’s not my country. So I hope you respect everything when you come to my country.”

Jassim, a Qatari, told me: “The Palestinian armbands are a counter-protest because we know they don’t like the Palestinian flag, the people waving the rainbow flag.”

I told him he was generalizing. I say that some of the most engaged Palestinian supporters I know are from the UK’s LGBT+ community. He said: “The West is using your problem. They don’t really care about the rainbow flag, they just want to use it to suppress us. It is not welcome here.”

The grassroots response intensified. When Germany played Spain in their second match, Qataris came to the game carrying cardboard cutouts or masks from German footballer Mesut Ozil.

A son of Turkish immigrants, Ozil blamed racism against him from some Germans and then German FA president, Reinhard Grindel, for his retirement from international football after the 2018 World Cup. “In Grindel’s eyes, I am German when we win. , but I am an immigrant when we lose,” Ozil wrote.

The point is clear: how can the Germans lecture anyone on morality if this is how they treat one of their greatest players? It was classic whataboutery, pointing to mistakes previous people had made to undermine German criticism of the ongoing problems in Qatar. It also appears to be an attempt to rally the Arab and Muslim world around Qatar and oppose LGBT+ representation.

Viral social media posts suggest that Germany has stopped Ozil from speaking about China’s persecution of Uighur Muslims, but Ozil is speaking about the causes long after his retirement from the national team. In fact, Ozil has already criticized other Muslim countries for being “silent” in December 2019. In the summer of that year, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt added their names to a letter praising China’s “contributions to international human rights causes.” .” ”. Qatar has refused to sign the declaration out of concern over the mistreatment of Uighurs, but last month opted not to debate the persecution of the ethnic group at a meeting of the UN human rights council.

When Germany were knocked out of the competition in the group stage, there was celebration in parts of Qatar. Qatari television presenters put their hands over their mouths and waved at them.

Here’s how Qatari TV reacted to Germany’s World Cup exit…

— george (@StokeyyG2) December 2, 2022

There are more sinister moments. When Wahl, the US journalist, tragically died during the quarter-final between Argentina and the Netherlands, a Qatari sociologist appeared on television to mock his death, as Wahl had previously gone viral as a journalist who dared to wear a rainbow shirt to an event. game. Dr Abd Al-Aziz Al-Khazraj Al-Ansari described Wahl as the “effeminate king” and said he would “feast on the dead pig”.

Qatari sociologist Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Khazraj Al-Ansari Celebrates Death of US Journalist Grant Wahl at World Cup Qatar: He Is King of Sissy; I’m Going To Party Tonight Over Those Dead Boars #Qatar2022 #GrantWahl #Wahl #FIFAWorldCup #FIFAWorldCup2022

— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) December 11, 2022

A few days later, I received a direct message from another account mentioning Grant’s death and saying: “Hopefully you’re next, faggot.”

On social media, discussions about homophobia are reduced to shouting, memes, or harassment, but I continue to have the difficult conversations face to face. In one discussion with a Qatari woman, who was otherwise very attractive, she said, in fact, that “the rainbow flag can be the starting point of the path that leads to pedophilia”. He told me he understood the “animal kingdom” and added “whatever I do behind closed doors” is none of his business.

He also told me that West was teaching children to be gay, referring to news reports he had seen in the British and American right-wing media. I asked what he meant and he explained that young children today are being brainwashed by books or television programs. I said schools might use books where the family unit shows two moms or two dads to help kids understand that the child sitting next to them might have a different experience, and to ensure that LGBT+ kids don’t grow up thinking it’s different. it’s not normal or a source of embarrassment.

I realized that I was wasting my time trying to understand someone who was not interested in understanding me.

At the moment, no one in the tournament is ready to condemn what happened and the football community is making matters worse. FIFA employee Arsene Wenger praised the “mentally prepared team, with the mindset to focus on competition and not political demonstrations”. John Barnes, a former England international (and former ambassador for the Qatar World Cup), appears on British TV and radio, citing the importance of respecting a country’s culture, even if that culture discriminates against you.

Few Western journalists seem to realize how much fun it is to be in Doha and to stay in a five-star hotel. They write pieces or publish videos that question whether criticism of the hosts has gone too far. They seem surprised that most Qataris are likeable people, which I find odd, because the criticism is of the government’s treatment of workers, rather than suggesting that Qataris are inherently flawed.

Those who previously spoke out for gay people seem to be leaving us. David Beckham, who has posed for gay magazine Attitude, took the Qatari cash and did not say a word. Rio Ferdinand, who recently made a documentary about LGBT+ people in football, published a paid advertisement with Visit Qatar.

Beckham’s advertisement spread across Qatar (Photo: Alex Pantling/Getty Images)

I feel the injustice burning inside. It escalated because of the hypocrisy of what was allowed inside and outside the stadium. FIFA and Qatar remain adamant that football and politics should not mix, which is why there has been a crackdown on rainbow kits and Iranian women wearing “women, life, freedom” t-shirts (the Qatari and Iranian governments have good relations).

But at the same time, banners with messages about Palestine were waved. It seems to me that these causes are similar; people are being persecuted in different parts of the world, experiencing very destructive conditions. But only causes that are politically advantageous to the hosts are allowed into the stadium. Local news publications stepped up the gaslighting, such as Doha News releasing a video that described it as the most “family-friendly” World Cup yet. This is true, but only if your face fits, and it feels like a loaded term against the LGBT+ community.

I found myself becoming irritable, asshole, struggling to enjoy the many positives of the tournament. I’m getting paranoid. I feel some of the journalists metaphorically roll their eyes as I continue to cover this. “He’s gone again,” I imagined them saying. “Is he a journalist or an activist?”

It’s a vicious circle. The more I spoke, the more abuse I received. Internet homophobia empowered. Messages that were previously sent as direct messages are now sent publicly.

Professionals have become intensely personal. I have too many friends who feel that men’s soccer is not a place for them to just shut up and be quiet. It sounds incredibly hysterical and self-serving, but in the heat and intensity of a four-week tournament, it feels almost existential. When I saw the crossed out rainbow sign and those words – “not allowed in Qatar” – I felt like a child, screaming into the void, being told I was wrong, sinful, worthy of ridicule and belittlement. So I did what any boy would, called my mom, and cried a little.

If my personal side is now creaking, my professional side wants to understand why.

Why did this cause become a lightning rod in the tournament?

The conspiratorial view is that this line, activated by FIFA, is suitable for Qatar. The country has experienced turbulent relations regionally, especially under a blockade by its neighbors between 2017 and 2021, and many sources close to the Qatari regime, who wished to remain anonymous while conveying private discussions, said the fear of a Saudi attack was never far away. far.

As such, row over the rainbow, as well as limiting alcohol, played out really well regionally. The battle between conservatives and progressives is fierce in the Gulf countries, and there is a large portion of the population wary of social change. This became the accomplices of the hardliners.

Qatar also knows that “the path to take”, from a communications point of view, is a relatively easy sell. Men’s football is not heaven for gay supporters or players. Eight countries at the World Cup outlawed homosexuality. In the 1966 World Cup, homosexuality was illegal in the host country: England. Besides, where is all the chatter in Russia in 2018? (Fair point, although it must be said last year’s European Championships, partly hosted in Hungary, have also come under great scrutiny.)

This is becoming a common repetition. It seems to be an easier argument for Qatar to win than the mass exploitation of some of the world’s poorest people, so as a form of diversion, it is very useful.

Others find it more innocent. A former communications professional in Qatar, who wished to remain anonymous to protect ties, said: “On the LGBT issue, I don’t think they know what to do. They just don’t have a narrative around it. For years, they said things like, ‘Everyone is welcome’, but were always warned with, ‘You have to respect our culture’. At some point, that balance has to be broken in one direction or another. They might think, ‘Let’s just manage it and hope other things get more important and we can get away with it’.”

From Qatar’s perspective, they more than got away with it. They consider the World Cup a $200 billion (£165 billion) success. Athletic have even been told that Al-Thawadi and Al-Khater have received big bonuses, as is the Emir’s delight with the way the tournament has gone well. The Supreme Committee responded by saying that they were “unaware” of the point being raised about bonuses.

As for FIFA, the ultimate humiliation came in the final, when the World Cup trophy was carried onto the pitch by former Spain international Iker Casillas. He was last seen publicly pretending to be gay in October, in what would become a watershed moment for the sport, only to later appear to be a joke – Casillas claimed he had been hacked.

In a non-stop gaslighting tournament, it was a fitting finish.

(Top photo: Getty Images; design: Samuel Richardson)

Pourquoi les chercheurs Ont-ils essayé de développer des OGM ?

-Qu’ils sont beaucoup plus résistants aux maladies, insecte or herbicides, ce qui permet d’utiliser moins de product chimiques. -qu’ils allows product repair. On the same subject : NYPD is investigating a series of assaults potentially linked to the death of 2 gay men. -qu’ils allow for reduced production costs.

What interrogation principles exist in T-IL au sujet des OGM ? Les débats qu’ils suscitent sont d’ailleurs connus ; ils tournent autour de questions relatives : 1) à la toxicité éventuelle et auvoir allergène des molécules fabriquées par les OGM et yours combinaisons ; 2) uncontrolled risky use of molecular medicinal plant products; 3) additional consequences …

Quel est l’intérêt de la transgenèse ?

Abroad, you may find plants that are resistant to the aux virus. Ces plantes transgéniques synthétisent des proteins that block viral multiplication and development. This may interest you : ‘We say merry’: Florida’s biggest Pride parade attracts hundreds of thousands. So, it is possible to get courgettes and melons resistant to the mosaïque du concombre virus.

Quelles sont les avantages de la transgenèse ?

A) les Advantages : -Qu’ils sont beaucoup plus is resistant to disease, insects or herbicides, which allows the use of most chimiques products. -qu’ils allows product repair. -qu’ils allow for reduced production costs.

Quels sont les 2 grands domaines d’application de la transgenèse ?

– Transgénèse and la medecine et santé : Transgénèse allows the production of therapeutic molecules from bacterial parts, in addition to plants and animals (biofarming).

Quel est le principe de la technique de la transgenèse ?

The Cette technique uses the sol bacterium, Agrobacterium, which belongs to the natural builder of plant gene transformation, as a parasite. Thus, the new construct introduces bacteria (eliminates viruses easily) as well as transfer to plants and integration into the genome.

Pourquoi les OGM sont utilisés ?

Different uses of OGM L’industrie, for example of certain molecular products in; Santé, où des OGM micro-organisms that are used for the production of vaccines or drugs (insulin as an example) or even as vectors for therapeutic géniques. This may interest you : New York gays share similar accounts of robberies that left two dead.

Qui utilise les OGM ?

In 2017, les came to the fore in cultivation in the variety génétiquement modifiés par transgénèse (OGM transgénique) se situent toujours sur le continental américain, ainsi qu’en Chine et en Inde. La culture dans les autres pays est moins importante, voire anecdotique.

Pourquoi utilise ton les OGM ?

Industry, as an example of certain molecular products in it; Santé, où des OGM micro-organisms that are used for the production of vaccines or drugs (insulin as an example) or even as vectors for therapeutic géniques.

Pourquoi les OGM font débat ?

Une controverse héritée des OGM traditionnels En cause : le manque de recul sur ce procédé nouveau, les effects à long term de ces fruits and legumes traités aux pesticides une fois dans nos assiettes, insique des pesticides eux-mêmes sur l’environnement.

Pourquoi refuser les OGM ?

Their vendors are farmers who promise to simplify cultural practices, but OGM undermines the reality of soil fertility and biodiversity in the long term. Those alternatives are effective for farmers.

Pourquoi certains pays ne veulent plus des OGM ?

Certain opponents assert that the population is mondiale ne manque pas de nourriture, mais que celle-ci est mal distribuée. Deuxièmement, les ogm trop tôt dans les pays pauvres, car ceux-ci n’ont pas encore mis en Åuvre des méthodes d’agriculture classiques dans les pays riches.

Quel est le problème avec les OGM ?

Menaces sur l’environnement : uncontrollable contamination. La mécanique est simple : les OGM sont des Oegants vivants. They can be reproduced and operated with avec d’autres plantes croisements in nature. Aucune mesure ne permit de prevenir réellement ces contamination croisées.

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Qui est l’organisme receveur ?

Du fait de cette universalité, un gène, issus d’un organism « donneur », maybe être introduit dans an organism « receveur », lequel le prenant à son propre compte, est en mesure de le décoder et ainsi fabriquer la (ou les) protéine(s) qui lui corresponds, chacune de celles-ci ayant une fonction.

Is it a substitute for méthylation de l’ADN? L’ADN est méthylé sur le carbone 5 des cytosines, principalement dans le contexte de dinucléotides CpG, et cette modification est abondante dans le genome de tous les vertébrés.

Pourquoi l’ADN est méthyle ?

l’ADN methylation is a gene, many of which are stable but their potency is reversible. On parle de marques épigénétiques. The méthylation de l’ADN joue un critical role au debut du developpement note, also que l’embryon va former tous les type cellulaires.

Pourquoi analyser le degré de méthylation de l’ADN ?

Est donc methylation is indispensable for entretien, repair and fabrication of our cells, intracellular communication, and additional particulates, heritage of information épigénétiques d’une cellule mère aux cellules filles lors de la division cellulaire (qui est modes of reproduction des cellules …

Pourquoi analyser le degré de méthylation de l’ADN ?

Est donc methylation is indispensable for entretien, repair and fabrication of our cells, intracellular communication, and additional particulates, heritage of information épigénétiques d’une cellule mère aux cellules filles lors de la division cellulaire (qui est modes of reproduction des cellules …

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Quels sont les avantages de la transgenèse ?

For example, transgénèse allows the bacterial modifier Escherichia coli de manière à ce qu’elle puisse produire molécule de l’insulin humaine. These production techniques replace techniques needed to customize animations such as bosses and portions.

What are the advantages of transgenese ? A) les Advantages : -Qu’ils sont beaucoup plus is resistant to disease, insects or herbicides, which allows the use of most chimiques products. -qu’ils allows product repair. -qu’ils allow for reduced production costs.

Quels sont les 2 grands domaines d’application de la transgenèse ?

The maîtrise du vivant que représente la transgenèse a rendu may des application nouvelles ands le domaine medical et agronomyque. Letude des maladies humanes ne peut se passer de models animaux.

Quelles sont les etapes de la transgenèse ?

  • Les étapes de la transgénèse.
  • Transformational biology.
  • Utilization of d’agrobacterium.
  • Direct transfers.
  • Realization of génétique construction.
  • Multiplication de la construction génique : le klonase.

Quel est le but de la transgenèse ?

The principle of transgenesis is the transfer of genes that are not imported from anywhere and are not imported from anywhere in the world of sex reproduction. Ce transfert se fait en introduisant ands une cell de plante a transgène, composé de séquences génétiques issue de plusieurs organisms.

Quel est le principe de la transgenèse ?

The Cette technique uses the sol bacterium, Agrobacterium, which belongs to the natural builder of plant gene transformation, as a parasite. Thus, the new construct introduces bacteria (eliminates viruses easily) as well as transfer to plants and integration into the genome.

Quelles sont les etapes de la transgenèse ?

Stages de la transgenese. Repérer un caractère interesant dans un Ovarian vivant : (plante, champignon, bacterie…). Identifier la protéine responsable de ce caractère (ex: protéine toxique pour un insecte ravageur). Identifier and isolate le gene d’intérêt Obtention d’un mélange de fragments d’ADN.

Comment faire une transgenèse ?

La transgénèse “au hasard” The très répandue technique consists of the injector le gène (plusieurs milliers de copies du transgène sont injectés dans le pronucleus mâle) dans l’oeuf au stade une cellule, directement dans le pronucleus mâle, le plus gros et le plus proche on the surface.

Comment expliquer la transgenèse ?

The principle of transgenesis is the transfer of genes that are not imported from anywhere and are not imported from anywhere in the world of sex reproduction. Ce transfert se fait en introduisant ands une cell de plante a transgène, composé de séquences génétiques issue de plusieurs organisms.

Quelles sont les conséquences de la transgenèse ?

Les allergies Le risque allergique peut être accru, en cas de transgenèse, par deux facteurs : les gènes transfer peuvent coder pour des allergènes non presents dans la plante initiale, les gènes peuvent produire des protéines activant des allergènes content dans les plantes.

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Qui a créé une souris verte ?

Selon the légende, the sours verte serait une reference a un soldat vendéen. Il aurait été traqué par les soldats républicains pendant la Guerre de Vendée (1793-1795) et soumis à different torments.

Comments faire une soures fluorescente ? Prélevez des spermatozoïdes de souris. Trempez-les dans une solution content les gènes de phosphorescence que vous aurez auparavant extraits de l’ADN de la meduse. Injectez un ces spermatozoïdes coiffés d’un gene de meduse ands un ovule de souris. You will get verte fluo acid embryos.

Où Acheter Souris verte ?

Où nous trouver Chez Disponible : Rachelle-Béry, Avril, Tau, Uniprix, Proxim et Brunet participant, Amazon, natural food and maternity boutique.

Qui incarnait la souris verte ?

Mais de tous les personnages incarnés par la comédienne et dramaturge Louisette Dussault depuis 40 ans, celui de la Souris verte semble avoir préférablement imprégné la mémoire du public. Au moment où Louisette Dussault se with à l’équipe de La Souris verte en 1966, celle-ci n’en porte que le nom.

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