Parents ask federal judge to stop Florida schools from enforcing ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law

The law “was enacted for the purpose and effect of discriminating against LGBTQ+ students and students with LGBTQ+ relatives, subjecting them to differential and adverse treatment, including through an invitation to arbitrary enforcement and a private right of action for hostile parents,” lawyers for the group wrote in the motion seeking a ban.

The lawsuit was filed by two Florida couples and their children, a prospective senior student and CenterLink, an association of LGBTQ centers, all represented by attorneys from Lambda Legal, the Southern Poverty Law Center and Southern Legal Counsel. By suing several school boards — Orange, Indian River, Duval and Palm Beach counties — the case marks a new legal twist on the parental rights law by challenging local governments charged with enforcing the legislation in instead of the DeSantis administration.

Indian River and Orange counties declined to comment on the lawsuit, while the other two counties did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Bill, FL H.B. 1557 (22R), prohibits teachers from teaching gender identity or sexual orientation to students from kindergarten through third grade in class. It also prohibits such classes for older students unless they are “age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate.”

In addition, the most controversial education proposal passed during the 2022 session requires schools to notify parents if there is a change in services for a student or any additional monitoring for their “mental, emotional or physical health or well-being” and creates an outlet for legal action if these rules are violated by school officials. That provision came after some parents complained that schools were helping their children transition to another gender without their consent.

The group at the center of the lawsuit argues that the legislation discriminates against the LGBTQ community, arguing that they have “already been silenced and disciplined, censored themselves or their children, and lost access to library materials that exist.” of LGBTQ. people.”

Further, they argue that the law is vague and open to various interpretations, citing the term “classroom instruction,” causing schools to extend its scope to activities beyond lesson plans, instructions, or assignments.

In trying to block enforcement, the lawsuit alleges that a student, who is non-binary, has been bullied “more intensely than ever in the past” about his gender identity and that other students have reported that they are “not sure whether they have their pronouns or that they can report bullying based on their LGBTQ+ identity.”

Is Year 7 primary or secondary?

secondary school – years 7 and 8 Years 7 and 8 are the first two years of secondary education in the UK. This may interest you : What’s the Florida ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill?. In some independent schools they are included in the Junior School, in others they are part of the Senior School.

Is group 7 the beginning of secondary school? Most students begin secondary school at age 11 (year 7), but in some HMC schools, students begin school at age 13 (year 9).

Is Year 7 a primary school?

Year 7 follows year 6, the last year of primary education. Read also : Russia’s reality show ‘I’m Not Gay’ was hosted by the right -wing politician. Year 7 is usually the first year of high school.

Is Year 7 a secondary school UK?

Years 7 and 8 are the first two years of secondary education in the UK. In some independent schools they are included in the Junior School, in others they are part of the Senior School.

What does YEAR 7 mean in the UK?

Year 7 â High School. Key Stage 3. 6th Grade – High School. 12 to 13 years. year 8.

What grade is Year 7 UK?

AgeBritish yearsUS/international figures
10 – 11year 65th grade
11 – 12Year 76th grade
12 – 13year 8Group 7
13 – 14Year 98th grade

What years are in secondary?

School typeSchool years covered
Secondary schoolYear 7 to 11
secondary schoolYears 5 to 8
SuperstructureYear 9 to 11
University technical collegeYear 9 to 11

Is year 8 a secondary school?

Milestones. Groups 7 and 8 are an introduction to the subjects of secondary education. Read also : Florida ‘do not say gay’ bill – podcast news.

Is Year 12 and 13 a secondary school?

The pupils of the 12th grade receive education in secondary schools or in area schools. Year Twelve was previously known as 6th grade and most students will study for NCEA Level 2.

Is Year 7 a secondary school UK?

Years 7 and 8 are the first two years of secondary education in the UK. In some independent schools they are included in the Junior School, in others they are part of the Senior School.

What counts as secondary school UK?

Secondary education. Secondary education (including what they call secondary school in the UK, sixth form and ‘college’) takes five to seven years. Students between the ages of 12 and 16 are required by law to attend secondary school in the UK. This phase of compulsory education is called â lower secondaryâ.

Is year 11 a secondary school?

Year 11 is usually the last year of high school. In some schools, students can stay in the same institution for their sixth form education, where year groups 12 and 13 are allowed to stay.

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Which laws say that a child has a right to an education?

Article 28 of the CRC states that children and young people have the right to education, regardless of who they are: regardless of race, gender or disability; if they are in detention, or if they are refugees.

What is the 14th Amendment in Education? The law requires public schools to provide free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students with disabilities. It also prohibits schools from expelling or suspending students with disabilities for more than 10 days when the student’s actions are caused by their disability.

Is education a right for children?

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child affirms that every child has the right to education. The aim of education is to enable the child to develop to the fullest possible extent and to learn respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Is education considered a right?

Yes! All children living in the United States are entitled to free public education. And the Constitution requires that all children have equal educational opportunities, regardless of their race, ethnic background, religion or gender, whether they are rich or poor, citizen or non-citizen.

Is education a basic human right?

Article 26. Everyone has the right to education. Education should be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Primary education is compulsory.

Is education a right or a responsibility?

Abstract. The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that ‘everyone has the right to education’ and that it is ‘mandatory’.

Why should education be a right?

Education is key to empowering a new generation to lift their communities out of poverty and defend their basic human rights. The Right to Education Project mentions establishing a solid foundation with education as both an empowerment tool and an essential part of developing individual personality.

What does the Constitution say about education for children?

Article IX, Section 5 of the California Constitution requires the state to “provide a system of community schools through which a free school is maintained and supported in each district.”

What does the 10th Amendment say about education?

Education is not mentioned in any of the amendments. However, the 10th Amendment states that powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states or the people. Education thus became a function of the state rather than the federal government.

What is the 14th Amendment in education?

While education may not be a “fundamental right” under the Constitution, the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment requires that when a state establishes a public school system (as in Texas), no child living in that state should be denied equal access. denied education.

What does it say in the Constitution about education?

Over the years, the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution has had a huge impact on protecting individual rights in public elementary and secondary education.

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Can the police talk to my child at school UK?

Police are free to approach and question any child who has witnessed or been the victim of a crime, just as they may contact and question an adult. The police can question a child without a parent present and do not need to obtain parental consent before questioning the child.

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Is Florida a 50/50 child custody state?

You probably have questions about child custody and how often you can see your children. You may have heard that Florida is a 50/50 child custody state, but there is no legal requirement that mom and dad split 50/50 parenting time — in fact, this is not stated anywhere in Florida’s child custody law.

Is Florida a Shared Custody State? Again, in Florida there is no such legal concept as “custody” for children. Terms that reflect the type of time-sharing scheme include “majority time-sharing” and “equal time-sharing.”

How far apart can parents live and still have 50/50 custody in Florida?

In Florida, parents are expected to share long-distance custody if they are 50 miles or more from each other. It doesn’t matter if the distance is within the state or if a parent is outside the state.

What are the requirements for 50/50 custody in Florida?

Florida is a 50/50 custody state because it emphasizes the importance of a child’s access to both parents after a divorce. However, there is no law in Florida that requires parents to divide parenting time equally when they share joint custody. Parents will only divide time equally if they have 50/50 custody.

How far can a parent move with joint custody in Florida?

If a parent wants to move more than 50 miles away, he or she must reach an agreement with the other parent and prove to the court that: Both parents agree to the move. Both parents agree to a schedule change, or have created a new schedule for visitation or shared custody.

Do you have to pay child support if you have 50/50 custody in Florida?

In Florida, child support isn’t just determined based on which parent the child has the most, which is evident from the fact that even when parents split physical custody 50/50, one still has to pay a monthly fee.

How far apart can parents live and still have 50/50 custody Florida?

20 miles is about the maximum for 50/50 detention. When people divorce, they argue about two things: money and children.

Is Florida a mother state custody?

Under Florida law, the mother is the natural guardian of a child born out of wedlock. A guardian is someone to whom the law has entrusted the custody and supervision of another person. The unmarried mother automatically has custody of the child.

Who has full custody of a child in Florida?

Florida abandoned traditional child custody terms in favor of parental responsibility and timeshares. Florida child custody laws favor both parents to remain active in their children’s lives. Therefore, courts prefer parenting plans and timeshare plans that provide equal access for the child with each parent.

Does the mother get custody of a child in Florida?

Florida law does not favor mothers or fathers in making child custody decisions. Instead, the judge’s primary focus will be to find what is in the best interest of the child. Therefore, you must prove that it is in your child’s best interests that you have full custody.

Does Florida favor mothers in custody cases?

Myth #2- Florida courts favor mothers. Florida courts do not choose the mother over the father or vice versa. Instead, these judges decide cases based on the parent’s ability to represent the child’s best interests.

Who has full custody of a child in Florida?

Florida abandoned traditional child custody terms in favor of parental responsibility and timeshares. Florida child custody laws favor both parents to remain active in their children’s lives. Therefore, courts prefer parenting plans and timeshare plans that provide equal access for the child with each parent.

Which parent gets custody in Florida?

Florida law does not favor mothers or fathers in making child custody decisions. Instead, the judge’s primary focus will be to find what is in the best interest of the child. Therefore, you must prove that it is in your child’s best interests that you have full custody.

How hard is it to get full custody in Florida?

In Florida, it is rare for both parents to be given sole parental responsibility and custody. However, it is not impossible. In order for a court to grant full custody to either parent, the court must determine that shared parental responsibility would be detrimental to the children and not in their best interests.

Who has sole custody of a child in Florida?

Until paternity is legally established in the courts, the mother has sole legal and physical custody of the child or children.

Does Florida favor mothers in custody cases?

Myth #2- Florida courts favor mothers. Florida courts do not choose the mother over the father or vice versa. Instead, these judges decide cases based on the parent’s ability to represent the child’s best interests.