Monkeypox outbreak raises fears of gay stigmatization

As mysterious cases of a rarely mentioned and deadly virus began to emerge in Europe, the German disease center quickly told people to be vigilant.

In an alert on May 19, the agency listed the monkeys ’most common symptoms: fever, pain, itching. Then, in a statement in which various bells rang, the bulletin warned men who have sex with men to “seek medical attention immediately” if they notice any symptoms of the disease.

The naming raises fears that homosexuality and bisexuality appear to be at the root of many monkey cases in Europe. now it is again at a critical point of identifying serious diseases, just as it was at the time of the crisis. or AIDS. .

Nearly 200 confirmed cases of monkey infections have been reported in more than 20 countries outside of Africa, where the virus is most prevalent – including the first outbreak in California, in Sacramento County, in early this week. Although health officials are closely monitoring the disease, the burden is small compared to the 528 million coronaviruses infected with COVID-19 virus.

But while reports of the disease are making headlines, with suggestions that the spread could be linked to a gay pride events happening in Spain in the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa, some LGBTQ people and organizations are preparing for a backlash.

Here in Germany, where the Nazi regime sent gay men to concentration camps, officials say there has long been information on the internet defaming the gay community, and some the virus is called “gaypox.” A note painted on a train in Berlin reads: “HIV and chickenpox = gift to boys.”

The country has five cases of monkeys so far. A large number of infections have emerged in other European countries, including Spain, Portugal and Belgium. The UK has more than 100 confirmed cases.

The bulletin issued by the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s disease center, has since been returned, though the institute declined to say why. Some critics say the damage has already been done.

“It’s important to pay more attention [to the disease], of course, but it’s a mistake to simplify, and, more than anything else, it’s totally wrong to give any blame,” Tobias Oliveira Weismantel said. , managing director of the Munich AIDS Hilfe support. group, said in an interview. “It’s wrong to tell any particular group.”

A correspondent for the Der Tagesspiegel newspaper in Berlin was more outspoken. The institute’s watch was that there was “only one sentence that applies exactly to one section,” said author Ingo Bach. “For some the message was immediately clear: ‘Only women get this.’ The threat of the brand is strong. “

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach spoke about the monkeys at a press conference in Bremen on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach tried to clarify misunderstandings about the disease, saying at a press conference in Berlin that it was not the beginning of a disease. new and the sea is not a disease that affects only men and women.

“It’s true that some gay men – for example, sex workers – are more affected,” said Lauterbach, who has been criticized for pre -mentioning men who have the “non -gender identity. named “more risky. “But the pathogen … can spread to all genders, to children, adults and adolescents.”

The virus, first discovered in 1958 in groups of monkeys stored for research and in humans in the 1970s, is spread through close contact with an infected person, including sexual intercourse and beyond. Shared clothing or bedding can also lead to transport, as can, irritated, breathless droplets.

Most patients recover from the disease on their own, without hospitalization, within two to four weeks after symptoms begin. The World Health Organization says that, historically, up to 11% of people infected with male monkeys have died from it, with the highest rate in children. No deaths have been reported in the current cases.

A German government report to lawmakers this week said four of Germany’s confirmed cases were linked to the show “at entertainment events including in Gran Canaria and Berlin, where it took place. sex. ” Gran Canaria, or Grand Canary, is one of the Canary Islands.

Lauterbach’s comments about the disease reflect a number of difficult situations for health officials who want to warn the population they think are most vulnerable to a disease without being harmed. they are at once.

“It’s very important to avoid stress and stigma,” says Markus Ulrich, a spokesman for the German Lesbian and Gay Federation. “But that’s exactly what a lot of men are seeing right now in the language from the health minister and the Robert Koch Institute. They need to see how they communicate this. They need to be clarified without discriminating against anyone. “

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In the US, the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the HIV Medicine Assn. issued a joint statement on Thursday condemning the “use of racist and homophobic language” in relation to the abuse of monkeys.

“As we continue to learn about HIV, drug use problems, COVID-19 and other diseases, sign language is blamed on specific communities for impairing the response to disease and weakening those in need of treatment. from detection, “he said, adding:” Monkeypox is spread through close contact, and no one community is more at risk of health than another. It’s not viruses know the boundaries of the world or social networks.There is no access to medicine or public health.

Janosch Dahmen, a leader and expert doctor for the Greens party in the German parliament, said it would be a mistake to focus on any particular group in the leadership of monkeys.

“We need to make it clearer that sexual contact can also lead to monkey pox,” Dahmen said.

Crowds are gathering in Berlin for the city’s Gay Pride parade in 2017. The German capital is home to a thriving LGBTQ scene.

(Markus Schreiber / Associated Press)

Caring for messages is important in a country that has long been a host of vicious intolerance of LGBTQ people. Sexual intercourse between men has been a crime since the beginning of the founding of present -day Germany in 1871, under a section of the law known as Paragraph 175.

The Nazis vigorously persecuted gay men, sending 5,000 to 15,000 to concentration camps, where they were forced to make pink triangles as part of the prison classification system. Even after World War II, more than 50,000 men were charged with sexual assault under Paragraph 175, which was not repealed until 1994.

The sanctions were overturned by parliament in 2017. That same year, Germany legalized same -sex marriage, one of the last major countries in Western and Central Europe to implement (civil sanctions, but not of marriage, already authorized).

Cities such as Berlin and Cologne are now home to women’s entertainment and grand celebrations. The capital had a prominent gay mayor, Klaus Wowereit, and former Chancellor Angela Merkel appointed the first German foreign minister to emerge as gay, Guido Westerwelle, in 2009. Under Current Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the federal government now has a “commissioner for the acceptance of sex and gender equality.”

However, some worry that the spread of monkeys could be fueled by homophobic sections of society.

“The question of whether gay men and women will ever have the kind of ‘igitt’ [‘yuck’] name attached to them that will embarrass them just as much as it did in the past. 1980 because of AIDS, ”wrote newspaper columnist Bach.

“There is a fear that some groups may see this as a welcome opportunity to say,‘ Look, gay men have brought upon us a new disease, ’” added Weismantel of Munich AIDS. support group. “We’ve already seen a lot of things on social media. This kind of thing is especially dangerous in intolerant countries. The fire

“I really hope there are no signs, and believe that our society has progressed and is much better understood today.”

It was reported by expert correspondent Kirschbaum from Berlin and Times staff correspondent Chu from London.

What does the 2 in lgbtq2 mean?

September 19, 2019. Sexual orientation and identity as non -sexual or cisgender are often defined by the acronym LGBTQ2S. See the article : Alison Esposito opens up as NY’s first openly gay lieutenant gov candidate. LGBTQ2S is an acronym that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, and Two-Spirit.

What does the Second Spirit mean? “Two Spirits” is a term used in some communities, including cultural, spiritual, sexual and gender. The term reflects the complexity of States ’understanding of the roles of gender, spirituality, and the long history of sexual and gender diversity in States’ cultures.

Where does 2 spirit come from?

The creation of the term “two-soul” stems from Elder Myra Laramee, who gave its use during the Third Annual Inter-tribal Native American, First Nations, Gay and Lesbian American Conference, made in Winnipeg in 1990. See the article : Texas elects first openly gay black lawmaker. word is a translation of the word Anishinaabemowin niizh manidoowag, two souls.

What is two spirit 2s?

What is the two spirit flag?

Two-Soul Flag (two-soul or sometimes, twospirited) is a modern, pan-Indian, colloquial term used by some North Americans to describe people in their village who are fulfilling a third-gender (or other gender-change.) role in their culture.

What is the Two-Spirit flag?

Two-Soul Flag (two-soul or sometimes, twospirited) is a modern, pan-Indian, colloquial term used by some North Americans to describe people in their village who are fulfilling a third-gender (or other gender-change. This may interest you : Florida ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law Inspires Proposed Ohio Legislation.) role in their culture.

Quels genres existent ?

Little lexicon of genres, identities and sexuality

  • Agents. The agency person is not recognized in any gender identity; it is considered non -generic or neutral. …
  • Aromatic. …
  • Asexual. …
  • Bisexual. …
  • Cisgenre. …
  • Cisnormativity …
  • Demiromantic, Semisexual. …
  • Water of men.

Quels sont les genres non binaires ?

Non-binarity represents gender identities other than exclusive home/female binarity. Non-binary people can feel like neither man nor woman, like the two, or like any other combination of the two. Non-binarity involves identity and linking with the fluidity of genres.

Pourquoi on dit cisgenre ?

One does not know the type that corresponds to that to which one is presumed at birth.

Quels sont les 6 genres ?

We tell you all about the new definitions of the genre. Between “cisgenre”, “trans” and “queer”, new definitions of genre are sometimes delicate to decode. Small lexicon, designed with sociologist Arnaud Alessandrin (author of “Genre!”, Ed.

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How many genders are there?

There are many different gender identities, including male, female, transgender, heterosexual, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, bi-spiritual, triple-gender, and all, none. or a combination of the following.

What is gender 52? The following are the 58 genders identified by ABC News:

  • Agenda.
  • Androgyne.
  • Androgynous.
  • Bigender.
  • Cis.
  • Cisgender.
  • Cis Fafine.
  • Cis Male.

How many genders are there technically?

In many cultures they use the male child, which divides the sexes into two groups, and people consider them to be part of one or the other (male and female). girl/woman); those outside of these categories may fall under the non-binary terminology.

How many sexes are there scientifically?

Based on a single stage of production of reproductive cells, there are two and only two sexes: the female sex, which can produce large gametes (ovules), and the male sex, which produces small gametes (spermatozoa).

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What challenges do LGBTQ students face?

Discrimination or DiscriminationPercentage of Students
Prohibit the inclusion of LGBTQ subjects in extracurricular education17.6%
Prohibit the formation or development of sexual intercourse14.8%
Refrain from participating in a dance or party with a member of the same sex11.7%

Why are LGBTQ students expelled from school? LGBTQ students report that their main reasons for undergoing high school depression are constant bullying and harassment from other students (American Psychological Association, 2012).

What do LGBTQ students face?

Many LGBTQ students experience ridicule or bullying in high school and may face similar or worse problems in college. According to a recent study, three out of four LGBTQ students have been sexually abused by at least one. Opposition to LGBTQ, abuse, and hatred can affect physical and mental health.

What are LGBTQ students?

Includes students who are sexual, transgender, transgender, transgender, queer, questioning, transgender, transgender, transgender, and individuals identified as their sexual orientation or gender identity (LGBTQI).

What problems do LGBTQ students face?

According to GLSEN’s 2017 National School Climate Survey (PDF, 8.4 MB), open_in_new nearly 90% of LGBTQ students have experienced harassment or assault based on specific characteristics, including sexual orientation, reveals gender, gender, religion, actual or perceived race and ethnicity, and real or implied …

How are LGBTQ students treated in schools?

Under the U.S. Constitution, public schools must address any harassment against LGBT students in the same way they handle harassment against any other student. And a federal law called Title IX prohibits public schools from ignoring incidents of discrimination.

What are some hardships that LGBTQ students face?

LGBTQ students were at higher risk for bullying, general depression, suicidal thoughts, and poor education and training performance. Studies have found that if LGBTQ students receive equal levels of support and safety in school, it will disappear or be significantly reduced.

How are LGBTQ students treated in schools?

Under the U.S. Constitution, public schools must address any harassment against LGBT students in the same way they handle harassment against any other student. And a federal law called Title IX prohibits public schools from ignoring incidents of discrimination.

What problems do LGBTQ students face?

According to GLSEN’s 2017 National School Climate Survey (PDF, 8.4 MB), open_in_new nearly 90% of LGBTQ students have experienced harassment or assault based on specific characteristics, including sexual orientation, reveals gender, gender, religion, actual or perceived race and ethnicity, and real or implied …

How are LGBTQ students treated in schools?

Under the U.S. Constitution, public schools must address any harassment against LGBT students in the same way they handle harassment against any other student. And a federal law called Title IX prohibits public schools from ignoring incidents of discrimination.

What challenges do LGBTQ youth face?

“It’s important to pay more attention [to the disease], of course, but it’s a mistake to simplify, and, more than anything else, it’s totally wrong to give any blame,” Tobias Oliveira Weismantel said. , managing director of the Munich AIDS Hilfe support. group, said in an interview. “It’s wrong to tell any particular group.”2

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“It’s important to pay more attention [to the disease], of course, but it’s a mistake to simplify, and, more than anything else, it’s totally wrong to give any blame,” Tobias Oliveira Weismantel said. , managing director of the Munich AIDS Hilfe support. group, said in an interview. “It’s wrong to tell any particular group.”3

“It’s important to pay more attention [to the disease], of course, but it’s a mistake to simplify, and, more than anything else, it’s totally wrong to give any blame,” Tobias Oliveira Weismantel said. , managing director of the Munich AIDS Hilfe support. group, said in an interview. “It’s wrong to tell any particular group.”4