Oklahoma city’s first gay mayor resigns. Then came the fallout.

VILLAGE, Oklahoma – Adam Graham was the mayor for less than a month when he saw them: Two policemen from a neighboring city, Oklahoma’s wealthiest, detained a black driver from a middle-class community.

He was the first openly gay Village leader to commit to creating a “friendly” city. And for years, he said, residents told him that they were racially profiled, especially as they walked through the streets of Nichols Hills surrounded by estates.

So on that late May evening, 29-year-old Graham said he had slowed down and stopped in his black SUV, rolled down the window and asked, “What are you guys doing? Do you realize you are in the Village?

What happened next sharply divided this community of nearly 9,000, drawing international control that was humiliating for some and cleansing for others when boiling frustration surfaced. Oklahoma lost one of six LGBTQ-elected officials when Graham announced this month he was leaving, citing harassment and fear for his safety.

In a time of deepening polarization in the United States, the fallout in the Village shows worrying consequences at the dead-end level: even old friends are not immune to the forces that set us against each other.

Polls reveal how important events are perceived – the 2020 elections, the January 6 uprising in Washington, the protests at the death of George Floyd – vary widely along guerrilla lines. Less explored is the impact on our own backyards, the tension in ties that are meant to puncture politics.

“Unfortunately, some parts of the population have recently dared to pursue threats and attacks bordering on violence,” Graham wrote in his July 18 resignation letter. “I don’t feel safe anymore as mayor.”

Before he said someone had followed him on the street, before suspecting someone had slashed one of his tires, before he said the man threw coffee at him and called him gay slander, Graham’s attention was caught by police lights.

“My insides, my heart – every part of me told me to do this,” he said in an interview in his ranch-style home. “My hunch was,” Just go over there and ask a question, Adam. “

In a body camera video provided by Nichols Hills Police to the Washington Post, Graham can be seen stopping in his Volkswagen Tiguan across the street from what officers later identified as a stop.

“Sorry?” Graham asked one of the officers, the White man.

“You have to go on. Go on, said the second officer, a black woman.

The passenger of the stopped car seems to be saying, “I just want to go home.”

No other dialogue can be heard in the 32-second material. “You can’t hear anything from Mr. Graham because he was too far away for body cameras to pick up his voice,” Nichols Hills Police Chief Steven Cox said in an email. He added that some sounds have been muted to protect the privacy of passengers.

In the second clip, the white officer goes to Graham’s car. Graham’s dog, a goldendoodle named Ralph, is shown first on screen, his fluffy head sticking out of the backseat window. Then Graham is at the wheel. His expression is neutral.

“Good,” says the officer. “Okay. Well, I appreciate your understanding of where we are, because I know exactly where I am too.

“When I turn to stop someone and they continue their journey from Nichols Hills to The Village,” the officer said, “I have a right to continue to detain them.”

“Thank you, sir,” the officer replies. The recording ends.

After this exchange, Graham said he had left the stage. Cox, the police chief, said there are no more tapes with Graham. When asked to transcribe the ex-mayor’s words in muted passages, Cox said the body cameras failed to capture any other dialogue.

That night, Corporal Brandon Edwards sent an e-mail to the Chief of Police, ticking off something he called “Mr. Graham’s very unprofessional interference with my stop.

Officers were chasing a 43mph car in the 25mph zone, Edwards wrote. The man who introduced himself as the mayor of The Village was “extremely rude and confrontational” to the point where Edwards doubted he was actually the mayor, “considering how inappropriate his actions were.”

The Edwards officer at the scene said he heard Graham shouting, “Get out of here.” Get out of this town.

“His presence directly touched the already uncooperative driver,” Edwards wrote, according to a copy of the Nichols Hills Police e-mail, “and put our safety at risk when it wasn’t necessary.”

City governor Nichols Hills soon told his counterpart in The Village about it by handing over Edwards’ e-mail.

Most of The Village city council felt Graham should apologize – or at least issue an explanatory statement. They found that the activities described in the email were inappropriate and even dangerous, and feared losing support from Nichols Hills. These two cities had been helping each other for a long time, and maybe three officers patrolled the Village at any one time.

“He distracted them when he did it,” said council member, 75-year-old C. Scott “Bubba” Symes. “In my mind, anything could have happened.”

Symes had a “heart to heart” conversation with Graham, he said, telling him that he knew several officers personally. He thought it was unfair to portray all cops as bad. Remember the Oklahoma City bombing? He was close enough to feel the impact. Do you remember who was in danger?

The police are trained to use “lethal force against lethal force,” Symes recalls in an interview with Graham. “When you interfere, someone might have pulled a gun and shot you – or a policeman.”

Although the council member was an old friend, Graham said he felt threatened by this conversation. He remembers Symes saying, “If that happened in The Village, I hope they shot you.” (Symes denied it.)

Graham also questioned the Nichols Hills officers’ version of the events. He was calm in his memory, but straightforward – not “very rude.” He said he didn’t yell at the officers and didn’t remember identifying as mayor. But his initials AG appear on his custom license plate. Many people added that they know his car and Ralph.

As George Floyd’s death sparked worldwide protests, Graham said he thought a lot about how the police had treated blacks in the past. Black men make up 4 percent of Oklahoma’s population, but account for 21 percent of those killed in police shootings since 2015, according to Washington Post.

According to data released by the Nichols Hills Police Department, 30 percent of those who received Nichols Hills quotes and warnings between last June 30 and July 1 were black, even though the city has less than one percent of blacks. Cox said officers are not stopping vehicles on the grounds of race or “for any reason other than violation of the law,” adding that a diverse population passes through Nichols Hills, which shares a border with Oklahoma’s largest city.

“I see young black men being stopped by the Nichols Hills police all the time,” said Graham. “I’m worried about them.”

As someone who began the slow disclosure process around the age of 20, Graham said he understood the toll of discrimination. He said that going into politics was his way of protecting the vulnerable. He won a seat on the city council in 2018 before his fellow MPs appointed him mayor, a title they voted for every year.

Graham’s daily job was campaigning for pro-LGBTQ candidates in the South. As mayor, he declared June the village of pride and vowed to ban conversion therapy, which is still practiced in parts of Oklahoma.

His colleagues described him as cordial to law enforcement, recalling the time he personally delivered the barbecue to The Village Police Department.

Graham said he was thinking of apologizing to the Nichols Hills officers. Maybe he should have stuck to video recording.

The local newspaper then ran a front page article: The village mayor is stopping NHills traffic by making word changes.

People shouted at him at the next city council meeting, saying he was opposed to law enforcement and was behaving in a way that embarrassed them. Graham’s sexual orientation never emerged, but the intensity of the criticism was worrying, said Tammy Conover, 59, an artist at The Village.

“If he were a simple man, nothing would ever be said,” Conover said. “People all the time say, ‘We are Christians,’ but we are so hateful. So mean.

Graham told the city council he did not want to comment. Privately, he felt the meeting had gotten too hot, and worried that more might fuel the fire.

He said that the following week he discovered a four inch wound in one of his tires. He suspected someone had cut it. But Symes’ comments kept him from looking for a police report, he said.

Then he noticed a man in a Toyota plum truck hauling him one evening as he was walking with Ralph. Graham said he motioned for him to pass, he said, but the man only looked at him silently.

“I felt shocked,” recalls Graham as the tears came to me. “I was followed while walking, I felt very sensitive. I should have called someone. … I just didn’t feel safe. I just wanted it to go away. “

Then came the tipping point. Graham said he was walking to his car in a parking lot behind Starbucks in Nichols Hills on July 16, when the man said, “You’re the fucking mayor,” and tossed him an iced drink down his pants. Graham said he only remembered the humiliation, no witnesses, and rushed home.

Two days later, he communicated his resignation to the city manager and posted a copy on Twitter.

“Over the past month, I have been followed home for meetings, have been threatened with a walk with my dog, have been harassed at Starbucks and have my tires slashed,” he wrote in his letter. “Unfortunately, these malicious attacks, carried out in bad faith, are getting worse.”

Reporters from all over the world called. Good morning America, he reached out. The website of the Village has crashed.

“I had a choice,” he said. “I could have made an apology that didn’t mean crap, or made a statement that I thought was true and factual and coming from my heart.”

Council members said they felt blind. People questioned the truth of Graham’s claims on Facebook, accusing him of using his sexual orientation for attention.

“A small town in Oklahoma chased a gay mayor?” Symes asked. “It’s such a farce. We might be Oklahomancers, maybe there are some cowboys here, but we don’t think that anymore.

The council has appointed a new mayor, 36-year-old Sonny Wilkinson.

He had no doubts Graham was dealing with bigotry. He said that as a simple man he does not know what it is like. Meanwhile, every case involving the police was a recipe for disagreement.

“These are divisions,” he said. “You are either for the police or against the police.”

Wilkinson played the voice message the Village Police Chief had received after Graham left: “What did you do to protect the mayor?” Said an anonymous caller. “Thread! You were sitting on your bald fat homophobic ass and doing nothing! “

“We just don’t talk anymore,” said Wilkinson. “We’re just screaming.”

Monday evening, July 25. Village Library. For those who still need to be heard.

Twenty-eight people gathered into the air-conditioned room B, which someone had decorated with a purple octopus made of construction paper. The city council member who called the meeting, 58-year-old Sean Cummings, joked that he wasn’t responsible for the ocean, but please sit down.

“Let’s just make a circle,” he told the group. “Get those feelings out there. Try to be polite.

They walked counterclockwise with the microphone. A retired teacher who introduced herself as Connie went first.

“I was really happy with Adam,” she said. “He cared – more than any of the other board members …”

Next was Tricia, who runs a summer program at a Catholic school. She said Graham told her about the Starbucks incident. He seemed so nervous. So shocked.

“I don’t understand,” she said, “how can people not believe the things that happened to this man.”

The woman on Trici’s left frowned. She took the microphone and replied, “He got the attention of the whole country because of his own program, which started with his own misdemeanors.”

A man then went who said his family worked in law enforcement. He wondered: was the relationship with the Nichols Hills Police still intact?

This was followed by a college student named Jakob who was working on political campaigns with Graham. He wore winged eyeliner and black high heels.

“I just wanted to show my face so you can all see that I am human, just like Adam,” he said. “It’s not easy being gay, especially openly gay in Oklahoma – and especially as an elected official.”

This was followed by a woman who said The Village didn’t deserve this reputation hit. People here mow their lawns for free.

“It’s the best place to live,” she said.

Then came Melodie, an Air Force veteran, who said she had lived here for 29 years.

“Some of you don’t know your story if you think The Village has always been great,” she said.

Do you remember the segregation? Remember public pools filled with concrete so black kids can’t use them?

“As a black woman, I can tell you,” she said. “I was working in a mall as a kid and my mom used to tell me: don’t go through Nichols Hills. And don’t pass The Village.

Then it was time for a member of the city council to pick up the microphone. Final remarks.

“He quit on fucking Twitter,” Cummings said, raising his voice. “I found out on Twitter that my mayor has resigned. Come on man! Shouldn’t we be nervous about this?

He said the frenzy had nothing to do with his sexual orientation.

“I don’t care if he’s gay!”

Graham may have been arrested, Cummings said. He might have killed someone. As for the harassment, where were the police reports? What can be done with cut tires without a police report?

“Let’s pretend all the harassment happened,” said Cummings. “We don’t know if it has anything to do with … anything … and we don’t know if it happened.”

“You say it didn’t happen?” the young man interjected.

“I’m trying to get to reality. I do not know what is it.

Steven Rich contributed to this report.

Which of the following is the best definition of an expressed power quizlet?

Concepts in this body (13) Expressed powers are powers directly expressed or defined in the Constitution by the Founders. See the article : CDC officials warn of gay and bisexual men as monkeypox spreads in community.

What is the power quizlet expressed? “Expressed powers” are powers vested in the government that are most often found in Art. I paragraph 8 of the US Constitution in 18 clauses. Expressed powers, also known as “calculated powers,” include the right to mint money, regulate foreign and interstate trade, make war, grant patents and copyrights, and more.

What is the definition of expressed power?

Expressed powers are those of the national government expressly mentioned in the Constitution. The purpose of the expressed powers is to limit the national government by specifying what it can do. This may interest you : A Texas pastor says gays should be “shot in the head” in a shocking sermon.. These permissions are also known as delegated or enumerated permissions.

What is an example of expressed power?

The enumerated powers, sometimes called expressed powers, are explicitly stated in the Constitution. Examples of these powers include the right to declare war, regulate foreign and interstate trade, conduct foreign relations, mint coins, and build and maintain an army (Article 1, Section 8).

Where are expressed powers?

Expressed Powers (also known as Computed Powers) are rights given to Congress to perform government duties. Most of these powers are contained in Art. 1 clause 8 of the US Constitution.

What is expressed powers and give 2 examples?

Power to impose and collect taxes, customs, import and excise duties. The lending authority of the United States. Authority to regulate international and interstate trade and all financial regulations.

Which of the following are expressed powers in the Constitution?

Among the express powers of Congress as set forth in the Constitution is the right to levy and collect taxes, borrow money on credit against the United States, regulate trade, issue coins, make war, build and support an army, and create any laws necessary to exercise its powers. On the same subject : Christian Academy Louisville homework: Persuade friends not to be women.

Which of the following are expressed powers in the Constitution quizlet?

Expressed powers, also known as “calculated powers,” include the right to mint money, regulate foreign and interstate trade, make war, grant patents and copyrights, and more.

What are the 7 expressed powers?

Expressed powers

  • to tax;
  • beat money;
  • regulating foreign and domestic trade;
  • raise and maintain the armed forces;
  • establish standards of weights and measures;
  • granting patents and copyrights;
  • conducting foreign affairs; and.
  • include treaties.

What are 3 expressed powers that are included in the Constitution?

The enumerated powers, sometimes called expressed powers, are explicitly stated in the Constitution. Examples of these powers include the right to declare war, regulate foreign and interstate trade, conduct foreign relations, mint coins, and build and maintain an army (Article 1, Section 8).

What are the expressed powers and implied powers of the national government quizlet?

Expressed powers are delegated to the national government to formulate the constitution. Implicit powers are not expressly stated in the constitution and give the government the necessary and proper powers.

What is implied powers in government quizlet?

Implicit powers are powers of the federal government that go beyond those set forth in the Constitution, as stated in the Constitution that Congress is entitled to “make all laws necessary and appropriate for the enforcement” of the powers set out in Article I.

What is the difference between expressed powers and implied powers quizlet?

Expressed powers flow directly from the Constitution, implied powers evolve and empower Congress to exercise them.

What are the expressed powers and implied powers of the national government?

The expressed powers of the national government allow it to levy taxes, mint coins, wage wars, build an army and navy, and regulate interstate commerce. B. Implied powers, in the flexible clause of the Constitution, are powers that a national government needs to exercise expressed powers.

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What are 3 types of powers?

Three kinds of powers that a national government has:

  • Expressed powers.
  • Implied Permissions.
  • Inborn powers.

What 3 powers do the states have? In the Tenth Amendment, the Constitution also recognizes the powers of state governments. Traditionally, these have included “police powers” for health, education and social services.

What are the 3 basic powers the government has?

The government exercises power in three basic ways: legislative (power to legislate), executive (power to enforce) and judicial (power … See full answer below.

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What was the importance of Enabling Act?

Authorization Act This Act gave Hitler the right to legislate without the approval of the Reichstag for the next four years. It was probably the most critical event during this period. It gave Hitler the absolute power to make laws, which enabled him to destroy all opposition to his rule.

When was the Authorizing Act issued? Authorizing Act, a law passed by the German Reichstag (Diet) in 1933 that allowed Adolf Hitler to assume dictatorial power.

What were the main features of Enabling Act of 1933?

The provisions of this Act are set out below: (i) The Act Establishing Hitler’s Dictatorship in Germany. (ii) It gave Hitler all powers to sideline parliament and rule by decree. (iii) All political events and alternative trade unions were a banana except for Nazi birthdays and their affiliates.

What is Enabling Act write its main features?

The act of empowerment was the one that gave Hitler every power to sideline parliament and rule by decree. It also banned all political parties and trade unions except the Nazi party and its affiliates. In addition, the law empowered the government to establish full control over the economy, media, military and the judiciary.

What was the importance of Enabling Act?

After the authorizing act entered into force, the chancellor was able to pass and enforce unconstitutional laws without objection. The combined effect of the empowerment law and the Reichstag fire decree ultimately transformed Hitler’s cabinet into a legal dictatorship and laid the foundations for his totalitarian regime.

When was the Enabling Act passed what were its provisions Class 9?

The Enabling Act was passed on March 3, 1933. The various provisions of the Act were as follows: It gave Hitler all powers to sideline parliament and rule by decree.

What was the importance Enabling Act which passed on 3rd March 1933?

On March 3, 1933, the famous Authorization Act was passed. This act established a dictatorship in Germany. This gave Hitler all powers to sideline parliament and rule by decree. All political parties and trade unions were banned, with the exception of the Nazi party and its affiliates.

What was the significance of the Enabling Act Class 9 history?

The act of empowerment was the one that gave Hitler every power to sideline parliament and rule by decree. It also banned all political parties and trade unions except the Nazi party and its affiliates. In addition, the law empowered the government to establish full control over the economy, media, military and the judiciary.

When was Enabling Act passed Class 9?

On March 3, 1933, the famous Power of Attorney Act was passed to: I. Establish a dictatorship in Germany. Q.

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What is the role of a state government?

The state government is the government that controls the division of a country in a federal form that shares political power with the federal or national government. The state government may have some degree of political autonomy or be under the direct control of the federal government.

What is an example of a state government? For example, Texas has a state legislature of 31 state senators and 150 state house representatives. Like other states, the Texas legislative branch meets in the state capital building. This branch of state government is responsible for creating state legislation that may become state law.

What is state and local government?

State governments are organized along the lines of the federal government, with a legislature, an executive headed by a governor, and a judicial system. These links will direct you to state government and court websites, local government websites, and the Uniform State Law website.

What is the role of state and local government?

RESEARCH: Functions of State and Local Governments Local, tribal, and territorial governments in the United States plan and pay for most roads, run public schools, provide water, organize police and fire departments, establish zoning laws, license competitions, and hold elections for their citizens.

What is the difference between local government and state government?

While the federal and state governments share power in countless ways, local power must be granted by the state. In general, mayors, city councils and other governing bodies are elected directly by the citizens.

What is considered a state or local government?

US Local Government refers to sub-state government jurisdictions. Most states and territories have at least two levels of local government: counties and municipalities.

What is the role of state government?

What are the main functions of the state government? The states have jurisdiction over education, agriculture, public health, sanitation, hospitals and clinics, and many other departments. Governments must also take care of internal security, law and order in the state.

What are 3 responsibilities of the state government?

State Government Powers: Establish Local Councils. Regulate trade in the state. Conduct your elections.

What are 4 responsibilities of the state government?

States assume the responsibilities of administering highways, education, public safety, justice, and others as determined by voters, state lawmakers, and the state constitution.

What are state governments?

A state government is a government entity that creates and enforces state laws. In modern nations, state governments have certain reserved powers, certain powers, and responsibilities that a national government does not.

What defines a state government?

A state is sovereign in its territory (also known as a jurisdiction) and has the power to enforce a system of rules over people living in its territory. This system of rules usually consists of constitutions, statutes, ordinances and common law.

What type of government is state government?

All state governments are modeled after the federal government and consist of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The US constitution mandates all states to maintain a “republican form” of government, although no three-branch structure is required.

What do state governments do?

US state governments are institutional units that perform sub-federal government functions. The government of each US state exercises legislative, executive, and judicial power over a specific geographic territory.