Donald Trump Inadvertently Says ‘We Need to Keep Our Country Gay’

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a Save America Rally at the Aero Center Wilmington. (Allison Joyce/Getty)

Donald Trump became an accidental queer ally for an embarrassing few seconds after he mistakenly said “we need to keep our country gay“.

The former president malfunctioned at a campaign rally in North Carolina on Friday (Sept. .

“Remember I was going to say, I was going to use an expression, ‘We have to keep our country gay, but, uh, but it’s not, I mean, for some reason, it’s not great anymore,” Trump said confusedly.

Trump just failed again. Damn it.

— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) September 24, 2022

Twitter, of course, took the chance to congratulate the new queer ally in a wave of hilarious tweets, with one user saying: “Donald Trump, welcome to the LGBTQ+ community.”

“Finally, I agree with Trump on something!” another user said, with those who agreed, saying “Keep our country gay? Job!”

Others joked that the Republican was showing signs he was a robot, with one saying, “Here’s their guy with a programming glitch.”

In addition to misguiding his overwhelming support for queers, Trump was also at the rally in Wilmington to support Senate candidate Ted Budd, who currently serves as the U.S. Representative for North Carolina’s 13th district.

But Trump used much of his time at the rally to complain about the lawsuit brought against him and his family business by New York Attorney General Letitia James for allegedly overvaluing their assets by billions of dollars.

“There is no better example of the chilling obsession with attacking political opponents than the baseless, abusive and depraved lawsuit against me, my family, my company, by… the attorney general of the state of New York,” Trump said, managing to say all the words. Words correctly.

Her words against James became increasingly personal and insulting, saying that she was a “raging maniac” and that he thought, “boy, that woman is angry.”

Trump also didn’t jump on his usual talking points, including the lie that he won the 2020 election despite in fact losing. He then reiterated his call to end early voting and claiming that voting should only take place in person on Election Day in an effort to fix what he perceives as a broken electoral system.

“We’re going to keep working on it,” he said. “What’s the best thing you can do? How about now? A really complex idea – requiring people to vote on election day, in person, with a photo ID. It makes it easier to vote and harder to cheat.”

Leaders have made similar blunders in the past

In an equally terrible medley of words, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson mistakenly thanked Vladimir Putin instead of Volodymyr Zelensky during his second speech to the House of Commons as a bench MP. See the article : Russia proposes to extend ‘gay propaganda’ law to all adults.

The Conservative minister from Uxbridge and South Ruislip made the slip by noting Ukraine’s successful counter-offensive against Russia and urging the government to “double in our defense of the Ukrainians”.

He then intended to thank Ukrainian President Zelensky for his “inspiring leadership” but said Vladimir Putin’s name.

“Thanks to the heroism of the Ukrainian armed forces, in part thanks to the weapons we are proud to offer,” he said. “Thanks also, of course, to the inspiring leadership of Vladimir Putin… Volodymyr Zelensky. Forgive me.”

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