A national ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law? Republicans introduce legislation to ban LGBTQ-related programming

Congressional Republicans have introduced what some call a national version of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill — or what critics have dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana and 32 other Republican members of Congress on Tuesday introduced the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act of 2022, which would prohibit the use of federal funds “to develop, implement, facilitate, or finance any sexually active program.” oriented. event, or literature for children under the age of 10, and for other purposes”.

The bill defines “sexually oriented material” as “any depiction, description or simulation of sexual activity, any lewd or lascivious depiction or depiction of human genitalia, or any topic involving gender identity, gender dysphoria, transgenderism, sexual orientation or subjects.”

The sweeping legislation would affect all federally funded facilities and programs, which include public libraries, federally funded schools, military bases and hospitals. This would prohibit schools, for example, from providing sex education or library books that include LGBTQ topics to children under the age of 10. read children’s books for children.

Johnson described the project as “common sense”.

“The Democratic Party and its cultural allies are on a misguided crusade to immerse young children in sexual imagery and radical gender ideology,” he said in a statement. “No federal tax money should go to federal, state, or local government agencies, or private organizations that knowingly expose children under the age of 10 to sexually explicit material.”

Some critics on social media called the bill a version of Florida’s recently enacted Parental Rights in Education Act “on steroids.”

LGBTQ advocates have dubbed the parental rights measure the “Don’t Say Gay” bill because it prohibits “classroom instruction by school officials or others about sexual orientation or gender identity” in kindergarten through 3rd grade” or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for the students according to state standards.” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed the bill in March.

Proponents of the law say it only applies up to 3rd grade, but critics have stressed the “age- or developmental-appropriate” clause, which some legal experts said could open up teachers of all grades to parental lawsuits.

Advocates say the law stigmatizes LGBTQ families and queer youth, who already face disproportionate rates of bullying and harassment at school.

“Your project defines ‘sexually oriented material’ as anything that involves sexual orientation, gender identity or related issues,” Alejandra Caraballo, clinical instructor at Harvard Law School’s Cyber ​​Law Clinic and a transgender rights advocate, said on Twitter in reply to a post by Johnson. “Equating LGBTQ people with sexually explicit material is dehumanizing and disgusting. Let’s call it what it is, a national ‘Don’t Say Gay’ project.”

But some advocates say the federal bill would actually go beyond the Florida measure, because its impacts would extend beyond classrooms to any institution, program or event that receives federal funding or takes place on federal property.

The bill is part of a national wave of legislation in recent years that characterizes LGBTQ people and concepts as inherently sexual, although it is among the first introduced at the federal level.

In addition to measures like the Florida Parental Rights Bill, some Republicans have gone so far as to say that exposing children to drag performers or LGBTQ-inclusive curricula is a form of sexual “preparation” — resurrecting a decades-old false moral panic about people. LGBTQ

Just a day before Johnson introduced the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act, Blaine Conzatti, president of the conservative Idaho Family Policy Center, told the Idaho Capital Sun that state representatives would introduce a bill in January to ban drag performances at all venues. public places in the city. the state.

“No child should be exposed to sexual displays like drag shows in public places, whether in a public library or in a public park,” he said.

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Jo Yurcaba is a reporter for NBC Out.

Jay Valle, an NBCU Academy developer, writes and produces digital content for NBC Out.

What is House Bill 9 Kentucky?

Require educational service providers contracted with public charter schools and associated contracts to be listed on the Kentucky Department of Education website. See the article : Gay couple beaten and bloody outside Connecticut gay bar. Limit the number of public charter schools in the state to five unless waived by the General Assembly.


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What guns Cannot be owned in Florida?

Florida does not require a permit or license to own a gun. To see also : Florida’s ‘don’t say gay’ bill – podcast | News….The following guns and accessories are illegal in Florida:

  • Short-barreled shotguns.
  • Short-barreled shotguns.
  • Machine guns.
  • Firearms with altered or removed serial numbers.
  • Armoring or Explosive bullets or Explosive bullets loaded into a handgun.

What guns can’t you have in Florida? What guns are illegal in Florida? Under Florida Statute § 790.221, persons are prohibited from possessing or being in possession of short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, or submachine guns that are in working condition. It is not illegal to own these weapons as long as they are antique firearms.

Can I keep an AR-15 in my car Florida?

The State of Florida has laws in place to protect the rights of gun owners. On the same subject : Monkeypox outbreak raises fears of gay stigmatization. As long as you meet state requirements and display your gun openly, it’s legal to carry a loaded gun in your car.

Can I have an AR-15 in Florida?

Today in the US, AR-15s are legal. These weapons that are not legal include unregistered, stolen or illegally obtained firearms.

Can I travel with my AR-15 in my car?

Travel in Private Vehicles You may legally transport firearms across state lines as long as: You can legally possess firearms in your home state. You can legally own firearms at your destination. Firearm and ammunition should be stowed out of reach (not in the glove compartment or center console).

Can I walk around with an AR-15 in Florida?

A second degree misdemeanor can come with a $500 fine or a maximum of 60 days in prison. But not if you are also carrying fishing or hunting gear. Walking around a public place with an AR-15 strapped to your shoulder is cool if you’re also carrying fishing gear.

Where are guns not allowed Florida?

Possession of Firearms These prohibited locations include any police station, prison, courthouse, polling place, government meeting place, airport (within passenger terminal and sterile area), sea port or tavern.

Can you carry a gun anywhere in Florida?

Open carrying is not legal in Florida, except for a few limited exceptions, such as fishing, camping, legal hunting, or shooting at an indoor range. Concealed carrying is legal for CWL residents of Florida and non-residents with CCW permission from a state that Florida honors.

Can you walk around Florida with a gun?

While Florida citizens can carry a gun, only authorized persons can carry a concealed weapon. In other words, if you do not have a license or fall under one of the legal uses set forth by Florida Statute § 790.25(3), you cannot carry a gun in the open or a concealed gun.

Where are you not allowed to carry a concealed weapon in Florida?

Florida law also specifically prohibits carrying a concealed weapon on certain types of property, including a courthouse, detention center, jail, jail, police department, sheriff’s office, highway patrol station, and airport.

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Will inmates be released early in Florida?

Prisoners can be released early under Florida’s conditional medical release program or through a commutation of sentence. They can also be released temporarily through a deferral. Some people are also eligible for “community release,” which does not lessen the sentence, but may result in release from prison.

Will prisoners be released early in Florida? Prisoners can be released early under Florida’s conditional medical release program or through a commutation of sentence. They can also be released temporarily through a deferral. Some people are also eligible for “community release”, which does not lessen the sentence, but may result in release from prison.

What percentage of their sentence must Florida inmates serve?

saw. For crimes committed on or after October 1, 1995, prisoners are required to serve 85% of each sentence imposed. The 85% satisfaction includes length of service in the county jail as credited by the sentencing court. These inmates are eligible to earn up to 10 days per month of Incentive Earning Time.

Did the 65% law for prisoners pass in Florida?

A bill that would allow inmates to serve only 65% ​​of their sentences if they complete rehabilitation and training programs while in prison was passed by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.

How much time do you serve on a 10 year sentence in Florida?

For example, under Florida law, if a judge sentences a defendant to 10 years in prison – that prisoner can be released after serving only 8 1/2 years, because the Florida Department of Corrections (and Florida Statutes, in fact) allow for a maximum time gain of 1.5 years in a ten year sentence.

Do people only serve half their sentence?

Offenders sentenced to two years or more will typically serve half their time in prison and serve the remainder in the community on license (see the table below for examples).

How much time do you have to serve in Florida?

Under Florida Statute §944.275(4)(f), any person sentenced to prison or imprisonment must serve at least 85% of the sentence, even if he has accumulated additional earning time.

Who decides whether an inmate is to receive early release?

A parole board determines whether a prisoner should be released after becoming eligible. The council is composed of at least one commissioner and one deputy commissioner of the council.

How do prisoners get out early?

A prisoner asks for parole, filing an early release motion. The motion is a document in which the prisoner explains why he is entitled to early release. A prisoner may apply for early release based on special conditions. These conditions include terminal illness, old age, and good behavior.

What does conditional release from jail mean?

Parole allows you to serve part of your sentence in the community, under the supervision of a community probation officer (CPO). Parole is intended to help you successfully live in the community without becoming involved in crime, both before and after your sentence ends.

What is an early release?

Early Release means that the court has sanctioned the suspension of probation or pre-trial diversion prior to the expiration of the sentence. Sample 1. Early Release means release before the specified supervision period.

When a prisoner is granted early release that is called?

Parole (also known as provisional release or supervised release) is a form of early release of an inmate where the inmate agrees to meet certain behavioral conditions, including checking in with their designated parole officers, or else they can be detained. again and returned to prison.

Did the 65 law for prisoners pass in Florida?

A bill that would allow inmates to serve only 65% ​​of their sentences if they complete rehabilitation and training programs while in prison was passed by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.

What is the first step Act of 2022?

The First Step Act requires the Attorney General to develop a risk and needs assessment system to be used by the BOP to assess the recidivism risk and criminogenic needs of all federal inmates and place inmates on recidivism reduction programs. and productive activities to meet their needs and reduce this risk.

How much of a sentence do you serve in Florida?

saw. For crimes committed on or after October 1, 1995, prisoners are required to serve 85% of each sentence imposed.

How much time do you serve on a 20 year sentence in Florida?

Under Florida’s “10-20-Life” law, the defendant will serve the first 20 years “day by day” without gain of time.

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What states can you carry a gun without a permit 2022?

Constitutional Possession States This means that anyone who can legally carry a gun can do so without permission. Carry’s constitutional states are: Alaska (residents only), Arizona, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, Vermont (does not issue permits), West Virginia (residents only) and Wyoming.

What is the most gun-friendly state? Summary. The most gun-friendly state in the United States is Arizona. The least gun-friendly state in the United States is Delaware. 149,146 Americans are employed by the US firearms industry.

What states can you carry a gun around?

Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming have “Permitless Carry”. Anyone who can legally possess a firearm can carry it in these states without permission.

Can you carry a gun anywhere in America?

Introduction. In the United States, it is legal to carry a concealed weapon in public in all 50 states. Most states require a person to have a permit to carry a loaded and concealed weapon in public.

Can I carry my gun around without license?

Most states require a person to have a permit to carry a loaded and concealed weapon in public. While standards and processes vary, these states generally require applicants to pass a criminal background check, thorough security training, full live shooting drills, and state residency.

Can you conceal carry in Georgia without a license 2022?

Can you carry concealed weapons in Georgia without a license? Anyone legally authorized to carry a gun can carry it concealed in most public spaces in Peach State. A license is not required.

Do you need a license to carry a gun in Texas 2022?

Effective September 1, 2021, HB1927 made it legal in Texas for most people age 21 and older to carry a gun in a holster without permission, open and/or hidden. This law modified the previous open transport law of 2016, removing the requirement to have a license to transport.

Can I open carry in Georgia without a permit?

Open carrying is legal in Georgia only with a Georgia Gun Carrying License (WCL) or a Georgia State Concealed Carrying Permit. Some areas are off-limits, including schools and courthouses. Open transportation is not addressed in the transportation constitutional bill that was signed on April 12, 2022.

Can I openly carry a gun in Alabama?

Alabama allows unauthorized open postage. Anyone who is at least 18 years old and legally entitled to carry a firearm can open the door. Some areas are off-limits, including schools and courthouses. On March 10, 2022, the governor

Can you carry a gun without a concealed weapons permit in Alabama?

In 2022, Alabama enacted “Permissionless Possession” by lifting a long-standing ban on carrying a concealed weapon in public without permission subject to a background check.

Do you have to have a holster to open carry in Alabama?

For one, open carrying in Alabama is only permitted as long as the weapon is secured in a secure holster that an individual must wear in the following: Inside the waistband.

Can you carry a pistol on you in Alabama?

Alabama is considered an “open door” state, meaning most adults can openly carry a firearm without permission. The Constitution of the State of Alabama makes it clear that all citizens have “the fundamental right to bear arms” for self-defense and defense of the state (Ala. Const.