‘May God have mercy’: Chief Rabbi J’lem fires Orthodox MKs who supported gay Knesset speaker

Jerusalem’s Sephardic Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar said on Sunday that it was “intolerable” that an openly gay man, Likud lawmaker Amir Ohana, had become Knesset speaker and sharply criticized religious lawmakers who supported his appointment.

“This whole abomination thing – they’re being glorified today. For shame. Such a shame,” Amar, Israel’s former Sephardi chief rabbi, said in widely circulated footage of a recent lecture.

“Woe to the ears that hear such things. It’s unbearable. They are placed in roles that are considered high. They have lost all their shame,” he said without mentioning Ohan by name.

Amar, who has repeatedly attacked LGBTQ people and previously called them “wild animals,” is the latest ultra-Orthodox rabbi to criticize Ohana’s appointment. On Saturday, Rabbi Meir Mazuz, an influential haredi rabbi with close ties to several senior members of the new government, said Ohana was “infected with a disease” and suggested that the deadly Meron disaster in 2021 happened because of Ohana’s sexual orientation.

Ohana responded to Mazuz’s statements Sunday night, saying he would rather “fail a hundred times because of unrequited love for Israel and once because of unfounded hatred for Israel.”

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On Sunday evening, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned Amar and Mazuz’s attacks on the Ohana, citing a passage from the Ethics of Our Fathers (Pirkei Avot), a collection of rabbinic ethical teachings.

“‘Man is loved because he was made in [God’s image].’ Every man is made in God’s image. This is the fundamental belief given to mankind thousands of years ago by our people, and it is the fundamental belief that guides us today,” said the Prime Minister.

In addition to calling LGBTQ people a “disgrace,” Amar also condemned the religious lawmakers who voted for Ohana’s appointment.

“Unfortunately, even people who are considered God-fearing seem to have supported [the appointment]. It’s a great shame – [that the people who] represent the Torah and Judaism … God have mercy,” Amar said.

The newly elected Speaker of the Knesset, Amir Ohana, is preparing to make his first speech in the Knesset on December 29, 2022, immediately after being elected by his fellow MPs. (Yonatan Sindel/FLASH90)

The Knesset elected Ohan as its speaker on Thursday, shortly before a vote of confidence to form Israel’s 37th government. A former minister in past governments, Ohana is the Knesset’s first openly gay person to hold the position of speaker.

The plenum vote was 63-5, with all coalition MPs voting in favor – including members of the Haredi and Religious Zionist parties – except United Jewry Torah MP Ya’akov Tessler, who was abroad.

In his first remarks after being elected, Ohana thanked his parents – who were in the gallery – for accepting him “for who I am.” And he thanked his partner Alon Haddad, “the other half of my life for almost 18 years”, who was in the gallery with the couple’s children, Ella and David, whom Ohana also mentioned.

Ohana promised that the incoming coalition would not violate LGBTQ rights.

“This Knesset under the leadership of this speaker will not hurt them or any other family, period,” he said in comments addressed to his family.

Some ultra-Orthodox MKs looked away as he spoke.

United Torah MPs Yitzhak Goldknopf and Meir Porush, minister and deputy minister in the new government, look away as MP Amir Ohana, who is gay, delivers his first speech as Knesset speaker on December 29, 2022 (screenshot from video by Ari Kalman, Behadrei Haredim, broadcast on Channel 12; used under Article 27a of the Copyright Act)

Several of Likud’s far-right and ultra-Orthodox partners have expressed homophobic views, including advocating for the return of currently banned conversion therapy, changing government forms to say “mother” and “father” instead of the gender-neutral “parent,” and on a “normal family” platform .

The only openly anti-LGBTQ member of the Noam party, incoming deputy minister Avi Maoz, looked away when Ohama gave his inaugural speech on Thursday, as did members of the United Torah Judaism party, even though they voted for his appointment.

MK Yitzhak Pindrus of UTJ left Ohana’s recognition. On Sunday, Kan told the broadcaster that it was his “right to feel uncomfortable when Amir Ohana talks about his family.”

One member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, despite voting for Ohan, expressed reservations about Likud MK’s sexual orientation.

“We are not satisfied with the path he is taking, but we are looking at the person and not his aspirations,” MP Yoav Ben-Tzur, who is a minister in the Ministry of Social Welfare in the new government, told the Ynet website.

Carrie Keller-Lynn contributed to this report.

What do girls read at a bat mitzvah?

Typically, a bar mitzvah begins with the master of ceremonies introducing the family and the bar mitzvah celebrant. Before dinner, a family member will recite the traditional Ha-motzi, a prayer and blessing. This may interest you : Owner of popular New York gay bar Motel 23 faces sexual misconduct allegations dating back a decade. Ha-motzi is recited with Challah bread, which is passed and shared with everyone.

The Bat Mitzvah Ceremony During the Bat Mitzvah, the girl may read from the Torah or read a prayer from the Siddur instead. Traditionally in Judaism, men and women are not considered to have equal responsibilities.

Do girls read from the Torah at bat mitzvahs?

What does a girl do at a bat mitzvah? Often a girl will learn and use a traditional chant to read. Talk about reading the Torah and/or the Haftarah. Read also : CDC officials warn of gay and bisexual men as monkeypox spreads in community. Completion of a tzedakah (charity) project leading to a ceremony to raise money or donations for a charity of the bat mitzvah’s choice.

What is read during a bar mitzvah?

In early bat mitzvahs, girls were not allowed to read from the Torah. Today it is an integral part of the ceremony.

What is the female version of bar mitzvah?

In many communities, it is customary for the boy performing the bar mitzvah to be called upon to read the ‘Maftir’ portion, the last lines of the Torah portion, and the ‘Haftorah’, the reading of the prophets that follows the Torah reading. Family and friends come to the shul to join in this special event.

Is bar mitzvah mentioned in the Torah?

Traditionally, 13-year-old boys celebrate becoming a bar mitzvah (meaning ‘son’s commandments’) and 12 or 13-year-old girls celebrate becoming a bat mitzvah (‘daughter’s commandments’).

What is the female version of Bar Mitzvah?

Early practice and history. The roots of bar mitzvah, which literally means “son of the commandment,” are unclear. See the article : Meet the Gay Man Fueling Tucker Carlson’s Anti-LGBTQ+ Program. The term never appears in the Hebrew Bible.

What’s the difference between a bar mitzvah and a Bat Mitzvah?

Traditionally, 13-year-old boys celebrate becoming a bar mitzvah (meaning ‘son’s commandments’) and 12 or 13-year-old girls celebrate becoming a bat mitzvah (‘daughter’s commandments’).

What is a Bat Mitzvah for twin girls called?

Bat Mitzvah: The Short Answer. Bar Mitzvah refers to the Jewish coming of age ceremony for boys at the age of 13. Bat Mitzvah is equivalent for girls; however, their Bat Mitzvah will occur at age 12 or 13, depending on the religious movement the family belongs to.

Does a girl have a bar mitzvah?

Traditionally, a bar or bat mitzvah celebrates a boy or girl’s coming of age surrounded by friends and family. Sometimes these occasions have twice the cause for celebration â in the case of twin or sibling mitzvah ceremonies (called a B’nai mitzvah for two boys and a B’not mitzvah for two girls).

What do you say to a Bat Mitzvah girl?

A bar or bat mitzvah is a coming-of-age ceremony for Jewish boys and girls when they turn 12 or 13. This ceremony marks the time when a boy or girl becomes an adult Jew. This means that they are now responsible for their actions and can decide for themselves how they would like to practice Judaism.

What do they read at bat mitzvah?

Mazel Tov Congratulations A short mazel tov message works well on its own even for a recipient you don’t know, but you can also use it to round off a longer message. âMazel tov, Bar Mitzvah!â âI wish you all the best and Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah celebration!â âCongratulations and Mazel Tov, Bar Mitzvah!

What do boys read at Bar Mitzvah?

Aliyah to the Torah It is most common to have the child read the maftir. In most synagogues, a designated official, the ba’al korei, reads all parts of the Torah, and the people who receive each aliyah just say a blessing before and after their part is read.

What do you have to read for your Bar Mitzvah?

During the bar mitzvah, the bar mitzvah boy comes to read from the Torah while wearing a prayer shawl and tefillin on his hand and forehead.

What does the bat mitzvah girl read?

Torah study. The Torah contains all the teachings and rituals of Jewish culture. You don’t have to memorize it or even know how to quote it, you just have to read it and understand what it says.

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Can you drink at a Bar Mitzvah?

During the Bat Mitzvah, the girl can read from the Torah or read a prayer from the Siddur instead. Traditionally in Judaism, men and women are not considered to have equal responsibilities.

Bar Mitzvah food and drink will likely be party-style food, along with alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Make sure your reception has a liquor license, enough so that they can at least serve alcohol, as many adults at the reception will want to consume alcoholic beverages.

What should you not wear to a bar mitzvah?

What usually happens at a bar mitzvah? A bar mitzvah ceremony consists of a number of traditional rituals, including a Torah reading, a speech, and the breaking of a glass. A bar mitzvah ceremony is a religious event that celebrates when a Jewish boy grows up and becomes responsible for his actions.

Can you wear jeans to a bar mitzvah?

Men are usually expected to wear a suit or trousers and tie. Women should wear a modest dress or formal pantsuit. Avoid anything that shows a lot of cleavage or leg.

What color suit for bar mitzvah?

If you want to make a good impression at your bar/bat mitzvah, avoid wearing certain things. Avoid anything too casual like jeans or t-shirts. Also avoid anything too formal, such as a suit or tie.

What should a guest wear to a bat mitzvah?

What to Wear to a Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah: Men: For both the bar and bat mitzvah and the after party, wear a nice suit in a neutral color such as black, gray or khaki. Complete the outfit with a button-down shirt and a tie. Shave yourself clean and comb your hair neatly.

What colors can you not wear to a bar mitzvah?

The services are comparable to the services of the Catholic Church, except that a child will also participate in them. Men attending a bar or bat mitzvah often wear suits and ties, while women usually wear formal dresses. In most cases, it is acceptable to simply wear pants and a shirt for both genders.

How much money do you have to give for a bar mitzvah?

Although there is no traditional color for a bar mitzvah dress, it is customary to wear clothes in a neutral or dark color palette. In some ultra-Orthodox communities, women are discouraged from wearing light shades. You should fit in nicely if you choose a dress in navy blue, black, burgundy, ivory or brown.

Do you have to give money at a bar mitzvah?

How to Consider the Appropriate Amount of a Bar Mitzvah Gift For a teenager attending a peer bar or bat mitzvah, $36, $54, or $72 are pretty standard bar mitzvah gift amounts. Exactly how much a young person chooses to give will generally reflect their financial capabilities and how close they are to the guest of honor.

What happens at a party at a bar mitzvah?

No. Cash is not the only option for a bar/bat mitzvah gift, as you can send other gifts. A bar/bat mitzvah gift is an important part of the occasion and there is no rule that only cash gifts should be given.

Do you bring a gift to a bar mitzvah party?

Traditionally, these are very large and elaborate parties attended by the friends and family of the child celebrating his bar mitzvah. The reception is usually held in a large function room that can accommodate all guests. It is a time to eat, drink, dance, celebrate and socialize.

What happens during a bar mitzvah party?

All guests are expected to bring a gift. Religious pendants (such as the Star of David or the Chai symbol), gifts of money, jewelry and books are suitable. Contemporaries enjoy giving gift certificates, books and music.

How long does a bar mitzvah party last?

What happens at a bar mitzvah party after the ceremony with food, drink, music and dancing! Most bar mitzvah ceremonies end with a speech by the bar mitzvah boy. Most bar mitzvahs are followed by dinners and bar mitzvah parties that include food, dancing, and laughter.

Is alcohol served at a bar mitzvah party?

The tenure will ultimately depend on the type of Judaism the family practices. Reform Bar and Bat Mitzvah services will last approximately 90 minutes to two hours. Orthodox services are roughly similar.

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What not to wear to a Bar Mitzvah?

Food, Beverage Food and beverage for a Bar Mitzvah ceremony will likely be party-style food, along with alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Make sure your reception has a liquor license, enough so that they can at least serve alcohol, as many adults at the reception will want to consume alcoholic beverages.

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How many candles do you light at a bat mitzvah?

Men are usually expected to wear a suit or trousers and tie. Women should wear a modest dress or formal pantsuit. Avoid anything that shows a lot of cleavage or leg. Bare shoulders should be covered with a scarf or bolero jacket.

There are usually 14 candles – 13 for birthday and one for good luck. The first candle can be "in memorium" a candle in honor of close deceased relatives.

How long is the average bat mitzvah?

What are the requirements for a bat mitzvah? Bat Mitzvah Customs In Orthodox communities, a bat mitzvah is celebrated when a girl turns 12 years old. Most Orthodox and some Conservative Jews reject the idea that a woman can publicly read from the Torah or lead prayer services whenever there is a minyan (a quorum of 10 men) available to do so.

What happens at bat mitzvah party?

The tenure will ultimately depend on the type of Judaism the family practices. Reform Bar and Bat Mitzvah services will last approximately 90 minutes to two hours. Orthodox services are roughly similar.

How late can you have a bat mitzvah?

Traditionally, these are very large and elaborate parties attended by the friends and family of the child celebrating his bar mitzvah. The reception is usually held in a large function room that can accommodate all guests. It is a time to eat, drink, dance, celebrate and socialize.

Is a bat mitzvah a big deal?

However, many Jewish adults who have never had a bar or bat mitzvah choose to do so later in life, and many who have had one at a traditional age choose the latter. A bar or bat mitzvah for adults can be performed at any age after reaching the age of majority and can be performed in a variety of ways.

How long does it take to study for a bat mitzvah?

Celebration This is a big deal for the child and the family. There will most likely be a theme and entertainment spots from dancers to Justin Bieber impersonators.

What do you say at a candle lighting ceremony?

The extent of individual preparation will vary according to the abilities, attitude and support of the parents of the individual student. Individual private tutoring on a weekly basis is common and usually begins about nine to twelve months before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date.

What do you say during unity candle lighting?

People: We light a candle in honor of our grief and give thanks for the lives of our loved ones. May this light guide us forward to healing and peace. Leader: We acknowledge the power of this sacred act of remembrance and honor those we have lost by sharing their light, as well as our own, with others and the world.

What do you say to light a memorial candle at a wedding?

As you light this candle today, may the brightness of the flame shine through your lives. May it give you courage and reassurance in the dark; warmth and safety in the cold; and strength and joy in your bodies, minds and spirits. May your union be blessed forever.

What happens at a candle lighting ceremony?

It can be as elaborate or as simple a memory as you want. If you’re worried about your ceremony being long, simply have the officiant say, “And now (name) will light a candle in memory of his beloved father, (name)” or something similar.

What do you say when lighting a yahrzeit candle?

The bride and groom will each light a pointed candle from the outer family candles and together they will light the central unity candle. The three candles remain lit, symbolizing the two families of the bride and groom and the unity of their new family.

How to do Sweet 16 candle ceremony?

The human soul is light from God. May it be your will that the soul of (insert name) enjoys eternal life, together with the souls of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah and the rest of the righteous who are in Gan Eden. Amen.

  • What is the Sweet 16 Candle Rite?
  • The first candle is dedicated to her parents.
  • The second candle can be dedicated to the next closest family member, such as siblings or grandparents.